Procrastination has its merits and its problems. Its merits usually deal with more time at the present, the ability to laugh it off and pretend that there really is no homework that I should be doing. Its problems however, run much deeper and have greater consequences. The biggest problem, I'm up at 1:00 in the morning and I haven't started on my paper, I have no idea what I'm doing with it, and I really am starting to get tired. Another sever consequence is the big fat F that usually appears when I get the paper back because it sucked due to the fact that it was written in the wee hours of the morning. In addition to all of this, I have no idea what I did with the corrections I made on my essay that is also due tomorrow. Oh well. I suppose I will have to get over it.
On a totally different matter. I was reading my brother's blog about his relationships with my parents and all of the stuff that he went through during his senior year, and I realized how totally different we are, but at the same time, how much we feel the same stuff, and even more frightening thing, how much I am like my mother. I haven't gotten involved in a lot of the stuff that he did, and I'm generally a "good kid," especially in comparison to his last year at home, but many of the stuff he expressed in his blog I can identify with. He talked about how my mom always finds a loophole in almost anything you say, and there is always something wrong with it somewhere. There is aways a fear that she won't approve of something you say or do, and that disapproval will make your life suck, and it will lead to confrontations that are awkward and all around sucky. But then I realized that a lot of times I do the same thing. I in thinking about it I remember a relationship that I totally destroyed with my judgemental nature, and my overly opinionated tendencies. Here's the story....
I went to a very small, very private school called Trace Academy. It was my first experience in any education other than homeschooling. The school was almost entirely composed of Campus Crusade for Christ Staff families. Every student but one in my 6th Grade class was the son or daughter of a CCC staffer. Most of these people also went to my church. Every school day for the next 3 years I was within 20 feet of a small group of people. As you can imagine the group became very tightly knit, like brothers and sisters, half the class was brothers and sisters anyway. Most of us continued on to University High School, the home of the Cougars. This was where the rift began. I, along with my current best friend and her brother were enrolled in the Pre-International Baccalaureate Programme, which meant that we would spend the next 4 years in mostly the same classes, with all the same teachers, and we would spend little to no time with anyone outside of IB, unless they happened to be in the same general elective class. I became increasingly involved with my "IB people" as I call them, and my relationships outside of my highly selctive classes began to wane. I would still eat lunch with them, but most of the time I had nothing to talk about. Desiree and I talked together, occasionally including someone else, but the subjects would generally be limited to topics such as "It's really freaking hot out here" or "I hate Florida weather." During this time, one of my friends from Trace, Ruth, began to get close to a senior who had just moved here named Jon Cruzen. I didn't like him all. I personally found him to be an imbicile who skipped classes to spend lunchtime with a girl, and who dropped out of a sport (which he was very good at, by the way) because it was a little difficult and he didn't like the coach. Basically in my mind he was a slacker. I don't really like slackers. I find them to be annoying, and I hate how they generally are down the fast path to throwing their life away. I didn't seem right that I (and many other students at the school) was daily facing challenges and doing my best to overcome them, while the slackers skipped classes and fled from them. I didn't approve of Jon, and more importantly, I didn't approve of Ruth and Jon as a couple, which they had become by the end of the year. I thought Ruth could do better then that, and I thought she deserved someone who was going somewhere in life, other than Valencia Community College, and then after that a long career in Garbage collection. It didn't make sense to me. My greatest blunder in this situation however was not my dislike for the entity that would be know as Ruth and Jon, but the vocalization of this dislike, for I still maintain that Jon is an idiot that is going nowhere in life, and that Ruth can do better (than him or her current shadow). In voicing my dislike for Jon, I got on Ruth's bad side, and rightfully so, she was happy (I hope), why couldn't I be satisfied with her happiness, and on top of that, where did I get off acting like her mother? Or more accurately, my mother? To this day my realtionship with Ruth is not what it once was. I still voice my opinions like an imbecile, wreck perfectly good friendships in the process and act like my mother. C'est la vie. I wish I could change, and I have worked hard on curbing judgemental tendencies, but I still utterly fail from time to time.
Monday, December 09, 2002
Sunday, December 01, 2002
It's been nearly a month since I last expressed my thoughts and complaints on this website. Much has happened, but my life has not changed on the suck-meter. As any of my faithful readers might know (not that there are any), I usually write when I should be working on something else, usually something very important. Why should I break tradition tonight? I should be working on Spanish homework right now. But I really don't want to. What kind of a person gives 2 pages of homework over thanksgiving weekend anyway. Oh yeah ALL OF MY STINKING TEACHERS!!!! Damn them. They don't comprehend the concept of vacation, short though it may be. For the love of pete...back off! You still have us under your thumb for another month after this break!! Ugh!! I hate school. And I hate Senior year. The only saving grace is that I get to leave in 6 months. High school is a crappy environment. They don't let you enjoy ANYTHING!!!!! My entire world of high school is falling apart. Soccer sucks...why? Because I'm warming bench for a sophomore, the wise part of this word is not applicable to her. IB sucks...why? Because it's IB, and I'm in it, and I have two stinking long essays at the end of the week. I have a 2400 word essay due before the end of the semester. I'm tired of all this crap. I'm tired of not ever having a break. No matter when this break is, I always have the knowledge that I have some kind of crap due when I get back hanging over my head that it is impossible to really relax. Since I am under the legal drinking age and drugs are illegal there is no way for me to forget. I don't see why teachers can't let us sit around and relax during our breaks without having to do any homework at all. I was reading this afternoon...the Handmaid's Tale. I was enjoying it until I remembered that I am supposed to be underlining and analizing and all of this crap as I go along, and that just ruined it all. I'm tired of having to closely read everything, why can't we just read something for the fun of it? Anyway, I'm done whining about school for the moment, though I'm sure I will have something else to talk about withing a few days. Until we meet again.
Posted by
10:50 PM
Tuesday, November 05, 2002
The sky was brown today. No, I haven't gotten my colors mixed up, it was brown. It rained. We had to stop soccer practice (not that I really object). The green of the trees and the grass were more vivid than I have seen in a long time, and the grayish black of the asphalt was blacker than ever, and the headlights of the oncoming cars were brighter than a full moon. The video room was disgustingly smelly when we went in there for soccer. Like mildew mixed with fermented sweat. That's actually what it probably was. But I really have nothing to say right now, so perhaps later I will write something of interest.
Posted by
7:36 PM
Friday, November 01, 2002
Happy Halloween everyone!!! It's technically Nov. 1st, but who really cares. I should be working on my extended essay abstract right now, but I decided I need a break from thinking, so I will just ramble now. Soccer tryouts were okay today, but again kind of boring, but of course everything is boring if it doesn't involve smelly gloves and a metal frame with a net attached to it, but that's besides the point, everything else is just work. I was with a group of girls that really isn't any good at 5v2, which is a great game if you do it right. They would kind of kick the ball and it would go spinning of somewhere to the far reaches of the soccer field and everyone would have to run after it and then Stone came over and got on our case about the ball going all over the place. Then we did some Brazilians and then some 1v1 and then we went home...without doing sprints ::hallelujah::. I am tired nonetheless. I was up till 1 last night cause of my extended essay, and now I am up equally late tonight for the same reason. That and I have a calculus test tomorrow that I really need to study for.
Today in History class Chris was singing some of the music for Valjean and I was about to melt. I sang Cosette and Eponine for him when he got to those parts. He sounded immeasurably better then I did, but I really loved listening to him anyway. He has this smooth voice that just makes you melt when you hear it (as long as it's not full of cuss words all over the place). Anyway, I think he sounds better than the Broadway guy, but it may have something to do with the fact that I know Chris personally. He is definately the one person from the Senior class that is most likely to get an Oscar/Grammy/Tony.
You know what...I never said anything about homecoming. Well, it was fun. I'm glad I went. Everyone said my dress was pretty. I thought the earrings I was wearing was overkill though. But Matt said I looked fine, so I don't really care. But you know who looked fine, Matt. He was wearing this three piece suit that looked like something Gene Kelly would wear. He looked totally classy. It is at those moments that you remember why you had that Middle School crush in the first place. Whoever he marries is going to be one lucky girl, cause he's really nice when he wants to be...and he's really hot when he wants to be too. The after party was fun too. I got pushed in the pool...well, sort of, I jumped in while fleeing from AJ and Amy (they made such a cute couple!). And speaking of AJ and Amy...there is this huge joke about them that is totally funny just because of how obsurd it is and it is only magnified by how easy it is to make Amy mad about it. And AJ has no idea he's even involved in the whole thing (other than on the teasing side with me). It's the funniest thing. I won't tell you about it though, cause that would potentially make Amy really really mad, and that just wouldn't be all. Anyway, I'm going bye-bye now, my EE Abstract is calling my name.
Posted by
12:36 AM
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Okay, so it's been a while since I had the time to do this, or was even on the computer even if I had the time to do this. I should probably say lack of time since that is when I usually post something. Yes, well, enough of that. You may be wondering what kind of drudgery brings me to my keyboard this time? Another ToK Paper perhaps? English maybe? History? No my dear friends and faithfull readers, it is none of these. This time I sit here writing a paper that is not affiliated with any "class" so to speak. I'm writing my extended essay. Uh huh, the long one that I've been complaining about for EVER!!! I have discovered that the process of editing isn't nearly as difficult as I though it would be. I have read through it 6 or 7 times and I have continually found mistakes. My biggest problem is that I am generally long winded and should be cutting a lot of stuff that I write. My dad read it and he said it needs a lot of cleaning up, but other than that it's really interesting. I am so glad I picked something that I'm interested in, cause if I didn't life would totally suck.
On the topic of sucking, soccer try-outs started this week. This is the only thing I really hate about soccer, all the crap we have to do to get on the team in the first place. Monday was okay, but rather boring, cause I didn't really have much to do since that is the day when Stone (my coach) checks out the newbys and sees what they are made of. I took the 2 freshmen trying our for MY POSITION off and we did some warm-ups and then had Monica (and the rest of the returning varsity team) take some shots. That was actually kind of fun, except for the whole ball traveling at 100mph straight for my head, but that doesn't matter, it's my job after all. Tuesday was much much much (much times infinity) worse, cause that was the day of our traditional 30 minute run. It sucked, and more importantly I sucked. I ran (more like walk-jogged) 2 miles, which is really really bad. Anyway, I got over it, cause today was even harder. Today was keeper try-outs. You might be thinking, "what's so hard about that? You stand in a 6 yard box and block balls!" On the surface, yes, that is what I do. When you add in the factor of jumping up and down, and up and down, etc. it get's a little more complicated. Then add the jumping and catching, and then it's even more complicated. I was, still am, extremely exhausted. My neck hurts too. I landed kind of hard and my head bounced. Have you ever felt like your brain just kind of rattled in your head and hit your skull? That's what it felt like. As it turns out there really is nothing wrong with my head, just the muscles in my neck that are horribly sore.
Right now I am listening to a reproduction of Orson Welles' "The War of the Worlds." It's kind of scary, slightly corny, but good nonetheless. I love the radio. I don't know why they don't keep making radio theater. I would listen to it, and I would love it too. Adventures in Odyssey is so wonderful (if you don't know what that is go to and you'll find out). Anyway, I have to get back to my essay. Bye.
Posted by
9:45 PM
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
This morning I was surprisingly happy. This morning I realized I had Acting 1 First period. This morning the wonderful reality of the end of ToK hit me. This morning I was happy. Then I remembered. It wouldn't last, and why was this? I had work to do. I have a crap-load of work waiting on my desk when I get home, a 4000 word essay right on top, not to mention the homework I was supposed to do over the long (and yet unrestful, if that's a word) weekend. Life sucks, then you die. But in all reality, it does, unless you've got a little variable that they call Christ, then that's a different story. I read the first chapter of John today for my Bible study, I think it was the first time I had a good QT in a few months. I should have been doing my English homework, but I figured I needed to spend some time with God too, so I blew it off like I had been doing for the last 6 hours and spent some time with God. I had heard it all before, so there wasn't anything really new, but this time it just seemed more interesting, I don't know why. It's like hearing a favorite story from when you were a kid again, and the familiarity is comforting. Alright, it's not quite like that, but sort of. I was more eager to read it, it wasn't a drag like it feels like so much of the time. Anyway, enough about that.
On a totally different note. I have been listening to Les Mis far to much over the last week, but what can I say...I love it. I love how sad it is, how these characters are searching for a reason why they are there. Cosette want's to know where she came from, Eponine (my favorite) wants to know why Marius won't love her, Marius (later on) wants to know why he's the only one of his friends to survive. They are all looking for answers. Kind of like real people. Except my quest for knowledge is not nearly so practical. I have no mystery to my life, other than why the heck I'm in IB. Anyway, I love the pain they feel, cause I can identify with it, Eponine especially. Unwanted, unloved (not that I am a victim of either, but it sure feels like it sometimes), wishing desperately that someone (Marius mostly) would love her, and hold her, and be there for her. It took death to get her there. She died for him, so that he could be with someone else. That's love. I don't know if I would have done what she did. That's why I love her character...she sacrificed herself for him and Cosette.
Anyway, I need to work on history now. Until we meet again.
Posted by
11:59 PM
Thursday, October 17, 2002
The world has officially come to an end!!! University actually won a football game!! What do you know. And they (or should I say we) won it resoundingly. I just feel sorry for the TCHS football team, cause well, they are totally going to get chewed out. Oh yeah, the score? UHS 38, TCHS 8. Haha. Anyway, enough about HS football, since I really think it's a dumb sport that gets way too much attention. What about the real athletes that play the whole game without stopping? Like soccer for example. Forty-five minutes non-stop. Yes there are lulls in the game, but we don't right out stop! Football players are such wusses. There was a 5th Quarter party at Chick-Fil-A afterwards and it was okay. I got to talk with one of the girls that went to my middle school that I hadn't seen in a while and it was pretty cool. It seems that she's a techie in Drama like I am/was (since I am now a cast member). UHS drama is so much better though. We push ourselves a lot more than Timber Creek. They do "Grease," we do "Les Miserables" (uh huh, the one that's still on Broadway...uh huh, that one that got all those Tony Awards...and if it was a movie, I'm sure it would get a few Oscars too...oh yeah, and Chris, who plays Valjean, has to hit that insanenly high note). And we have a fly. I wish we had a trap door though. I think we could make one...but we would have to blow up a whole crap load of concrete to put it in which would cost a lot of money that we don't have, especially after Les Mis. But it's such a wonderful musical. I love it already. The cast and Thespian/Drama club are going to see Les Mis on tour and I am sooooooo excited. It's wonderful.
Yesterday was a wonderful day, even though it started out kind of crappy. First period I forgot my books which we were supposed to turn in, so Mr. Boyte got all up in my face about it. We turned in our papers, and that was a little confusing cause we had a bunch of stuff we had to staple to it. Then I found out that we had a quiz the next period which I hadn't studied for. But then my day suddenly became brighter when I realized that ToK was over with for THE REST OF MY LIFE!!!!! Yes, I'm done with ToK. Now I have only to laugh at the people who have it next term, cause well, their life gets to suck now. Ah huh, suck. More work, more thinking, more Extended Essay (Insert maniocal laugh). I can't spell, but oh well. The quiz second was okay, but I didn't do so hot. Then Third I had to do a scene and I forgot half of my lines, but Mrs. Douglass didn't really mind cause I had to memorize a NOVEL!! Not literally of course, but oh my goodness. I had at least 4 times the number of lines as Desiree. ::Ugh:: Chris gave me my lines when I needed them though, so I was okay. My costume was kind of cute, but I didn't really like it. I had a skirt on with a white blouse and a grey sweater draped over it all, and it was kind of cute, but I was wearing black adidas sandals cause I don't have any nicer shoes. But it was all good I guess, better than going bare foot. The scenes as a whole were really good though. The group that went last week was AMAZING!!! They condensed a little one act into like 10 minutes and they had lights and sound effects and everything. It was pretty cool. Creepy, but cool. I can't believe that was only yesterday. I guess since so much stuff has happened in the last 24 hours. I went shopping for my homecoming dress for the last time. I didn't by one ready made, but my mom and I went to JoAnne's Fabrics and got a pattern and all of the cloth. There were these two gay guys and I was rather repulsed cause they were like hugging and kissing each other and I was like ::ewwww::! What they do is their business, but do they really have to do it in front of me? The first tip of was that they were in the cloth for special occasion section. What self respecting (straight) guy would be caught dead there (without their mother)? Oooo. Guess what Monday is....SENIOR SKIP DAY!!! Yay. The most wonderful institution in the history of all school, right next to Christmas break, spring break and summer vacations. And I get to skip!! Yay-boh. My world still sucks, but at least there are some things to make it better. But what ticks me off a lot is when underclassmen skip on senior skip day. What is up with that? It's a senior privilege, like getting out of school 5 minutes earlier, or parking in the senior parking lot. And speaking of which...what's up with Juniors in the senior lot? I think the school needs to crack down on that. I parking in the senior lot last year, but that's only cause the office lady gave me a senior sticker. if she hadn't i wouldn't have parked there. Anyway, I really wish they would check stickers more often. But why am I complaning? At least i can drive a car. It was so weird going over to Estonia and there being so little traffic and teenagers not being able to drive. Rush hour in Tallinn was like a normal day on Colonial Dr. I was wondering what the Estonians would think if they saw Orlando at 5:30. It's crazy! I really miss Estonia, even though I was there for such a short time, or maybe it's because I was there for such a short time that I miss it. Maybe it's a paradox. I'm still thinking like I'm in ToK. Oh well, I guess that was the point. It's kind of interesting how ToK just kind of bled into everything else. We would talk about something in ToK and it would pop up in English or History, or even Calculus some times. It was actually pretty cool. I guess I will miss that class in some ways, but I'm sure I won't miss the work. I'll miss Mr. Boyte's stories though, cause he is really funny when he want's to be. He told us this story about his mother's teacup poodle and how she got so attached to it and then it died and she had a wake for it then she got a parrot then it died and she had it stuffed and hung from the ceiling. Then he told us this story about her miniture stallions, but that is really long, and I don't have the time to get into it. But it was funny. Very funny.
But alas and alack, though I wish I could continue writing, I have to get up at 4:45 tomorrow so I can go to FSU to see the campus, plus I'm kind of running out of things to vaya con dios.
Posted by
11:56 PM
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
Okay, so I finished my ToK essay and all the editing. So it's ready to go. I usually would refer to my previous blog of the night at this point, however, I can't see it cause my computer (or the website) is being a pain and not showing it to me (grrr). So anyway, I think the last time I checked I was going off on the injustices of IB and how bad it sucks. But what else is new, right? Oh yeah, shopping for a dress. For all the guys out have it easy, I promise. It's like this. You go to one store, you find a really nice dress that you really really like. Yeah, too expensive. Same scenario at a different store...yeah, don't have your size. There's always something going wrong. I've been to two malls and countless stores (8 actually), didn't have anything. So I went to Wal-Mart today to look through catelogs of dress patterns so my mother and I could make my dress (or should I say my mother, because if I did something with the dress other than wear it, it would probably end up looking like a molting bird or some other animal). Anyway, I get home, and my mom is like, that's gonna cost around $100 JUST FOR THE MATERIAL!!! It's CLOTH! How expensive can it be? Some people really make a killing on Prom/Homecoming. And what's the whole thing with not being cosure to wear the same dress to Prom/Homecoming? I think it's just something made up by the fashion people to make you spend more money per year. School dances are such a pain. And for a few hours of sweating on a dance floor to a bad DJ (at least that's what I've heard, having never been to one myself). Blah. Anyway, I still have a crap load of music to listen to for my scene tomorrow and a costume to prepare, and a bunch of other stuff to do too. Parting is such sweet sorrow that I will say goodnight till it be morrow (or whenever I get around to writing again).
Posted by
12:48 AM
Ah yes, back at the computer for the enth time this week, but this time it is again for ToK, and the writting of a long essay. If you're not aquainted with ToK you must think that we have a battle ax (or axe, whichever you prefer) of a teacher who makes us write endless words about knowledge, in which case you would be only partially correct. Mr. Boyte is a battle ax(e), but he doesn't give us 1000 words to write a week. I am in fact only editing my essay from last week, cause well, it gets sent off to some place called Carthage, Wales and gets read by some British guy (several actually), and is graded on it's merits and more likely, flaws (it is after all my paper). So the essay that is right now on my word processor can determine whether or not I graduate with the IB diploma. That's a wonderful thought isn't it. This particular 1200-something words could determine whether or not I have wasted the last 4 years of my life in IB or not. This isn't making me feel any better. Drat. Oh well, life's not perfect.
On a different note, I am really tired of school. It's just starting to wear on me. I need a very long vacation. (WARNING: FIERCE DIATRIBE ON THE INJUSTICES OF IB AND THE EXTENDED ESSAY IMMINENT!!!) As it happens, a long vacation is just around the corner, some 16 hours around the corner...yes, that few. However, my "vacation" won't be one. Next Friday I have to turn in the most important paper I have ever written in my WHOLE LIFE in to Mr. Boyte. Friday the 25 is a cursed day. Yes, that is the day my Extended Essay is due to Mr. Boyte. Which is why my "vacation" is really a non-vacation. I have to turn in a 4000 (yeah, you read that right, a four followed by three zeros, four thousand) word essay, which is even more important than the aforementioned ToK essay. Why? Because if I receive an ELEMENTARY on this essay I have absolutely NO CHANCE OF GRADUATING w/ and IB Diploma. Shoot me now please!!! On top of this essay I also have to visit FSU Friday. That means I get to spend 8 wonderful hours in the car with my parents listening to "Les Miserables" and Norah Jones (Les Mis and Norah are volentary, and I don't mind doing that) and working on homework (aren't vacations supposed to be relaxing?) or reading...or listening to them talk...about my life...and about how I'm going nowhere with it or some other bright and cheery topic. Ugh. I repeat. I hate school. And just wait till I get started on school dances, or more specifically, the search for a size 16-18 homecoming dress.
More to come....
Posted by
12:06 AM
Saturday, October 12, 2002
Two days after my several hour experience with the ToK essay, and here I am again, sitting at my computer typing away (except this is fun). Surprisingly enough, my day after went very well, considering I and half of my fellow inmates in IB had very few hours of sleep. The day started okay, Mr. Boyte didn't show up for class, so we had a sub who was a freaking Nazi about everything, he made us raise our hands if we wanted to speak!! What is that? We aren't in kindergarten after all (that's a German word isn't it?). Anyway, Mr. Boyte didn't show up today, so I have no idea where he was or what was wrong, because that really isn't like him to miss that much school. I think he said he had to go in for more tests with his cardiologist, so maybe something came up negative. As the day after progressed things went fairly well. In Calculus my favorite calc teacher moved our quiz on the ch-ch-ch-ch-chain rule ::chain rule dance:: to Mundane Monday, so we could have more time to study and actually grasp the concept. Thank you Mrs. P. That was good, really good, cause I didn't get it at all. Third period was okay, but we had to work, so that wasn't cool, but other than that, it was fine. I'm doing this scene for Drama (incidentaly that is what I have for 3rd period) and I really don't like it much. More like not at all. I have to play and old lady, and the last time I did that it was a disaster, an emotionless disaster. I think I did a lot better playing the bubbley teacher, but that's besides the point. Fourth Period was pretty cool too, cause we were just making posters for a presentation dealing with refranes (spanish for sayings I think). Anyway, that was fun. And then to top the day off, I got to leave school before the bell rang because I didn't have to wait for my Freshman brother to get out of class, it was a wonderful thing. I had fun getting out before the line to leave became ultra long, because (thank you administration) students can only exit through one of the three exists to the campus!! I really would like to know why, because when I could go out the other one I didn't have to deal with all of the crap-weasels (as Mr. Boyte calls them) honking their horns because they think it's funny and entertaining, while the rest of the world just think's it's annoying!! And if you happen to be one of those people, no offence, but really...CUT IT OUT!!! I would be prone to giving you the finger. If you hadn't noticed by now I enjoy talking. I really do. If you give me a topic that I am interested in I could talk for hours and hours and hours. I've never had a phone conversation over 2 hours though, mostly because people get sick of hearing me talk and come up with some lame excuse to get off the phone, like their mom is calling them or something. Alright, not really, cause usually their mom does call them cause it's like 11 o'clock on a school night or something.
Oh yeah, I have 3 more days total in ToK...3!!! And then comes a 5 day weekend (but only for SENIORS!!! WAHOO!) I will be so glad to get out of that class, it's driving me CRAZY!!
Anyway, I think I was talking about yesterday, the day after. I got home at 3:30 (the latest of any of the other schools in the district becuase our principle loves the 4x4 class schedule, even though you don't learn as much and you have to stay in school for an hour longer than if you were on the 6 class schedule. Ugh, I hate administrators. Don't they realize that we have lives outside of school...hmmm apperently not. Yeah, so I got home and slept on the couch half the afternoon, cause well, I was tired (come to think of it I am now also). My bro came home from college today, it was interesting. He's in town for the weekend cause he wanted to get an Abercrombie poster that since he works there. We (my family) played cards together, Rummy, it was pretty cool, and I enjoyed it a lot. We were listening to Norah Jones because at least 2 people at the table like her music, and now 3 since my dad does now too. What do you know, my dad and I actually agree on a style of music that I picked out!! I lost though, I'm really not that good at rummy. My little bro likes gloating when he wins which is quite often, because well, to put it in few words, he's a genius, as well as the rest of my family, excluding me. I'm something of a dunce in comparison to my engineer dad, my math major/former teacher mom, my mechanical enineering major brother, and my "I qualify for MENSA" younger sibbling. The most humbling thing in my life would probably have to be when I was reading an essay to my lil bro and he was telling me how to better my vocabulary (though he doesn't know much about style yet). I, on the other hand, am a drama child, which to my family means, you're not as smart as us, which in all reality I'm not. My brothers have been able to beat me resoundingly in chess since we were little, and my lil bro could beat me by the age of 4. Yeah, 4. Around the time he was reading the same books as my older brother, yeah, I was just picking up on it. But, enough of my whining about how stupid I am.
Today was a lazy day. We just sat around in ALL of my classes (except drama, but that's just skit work, so it was okay). !st-Sub, Boyte was out. 2nd-party for Morse (it's her birthday). 3rd-skit work ::blah::. 4th-listening to Rowland talk ::blah::. That was my day in a few words. Brevity is the soul of wit, as my English teacher says. Great, I'm good at being long-winded, as you can tell because this is reaching novel length. Which is why I'm leaving now. Adios.
Posted by
12:44 AM
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Thank goodness, the ToK essay is finally done. It is now 2:45 in the morning and I am tired. I really should go to sleep right now, but I'm wating for my ultra-slow printer to print my 4 page paper. I am very proud of myself...yay! Anyway, I think I'm going to go now, because the printer is on it's last page, and as the website says...sleeprequired.
Posted by
2:40 AM
Two posts on the same must think I don't have a life. In that assumption you would probably be correct. However, not based on the fact that I've posted twice within a few hours of each other. The reason for this is the title of my current blogs...that's right ToK Sucks. Yes, ToK sucks. I will conceed it doesn' t suck THAT BAD, but I'm tired and I don't want to finish working on my essay. I'm nearly 3/10ths done, and I'm just kind of ::blarg:: right now. Hmm...I wonder if I can change the time on this thing, cause it's a little slow. Oh well. Speaking of watch needed a new battery yesterday, my mom fixed it and I was very happy. The story behind my discovery of the deceased watch battery is actually rather humorous, or perhaps it's just me being tired. Here goes anyway. On Tuesday morning I was running a little late on the way to school (well, actually it was my little brother who bums rides) and I grabbed my watch and didn't look at it. As I pulled into the senior parking lot (which was unusually full, for being 7:35 in the morning) I glanced at my watch, not the car clock which would have set me straight. I got out of the car in something of a rush muttering to myself that I was going to be late and Mr. Boyte is going to kill me, either that or make me stand outside the classroom in the hot muggy October in Florida weather (it really is terrible, 90 degrees in OCTOBER!!! And it feels like 100 with the humidity!! Ugh, I hate Florida, it only has two seasons, really really hot, and nice). Anyway back to the story. I didn't feel like having either thing done to me so I walked rather briskly. It did occur to me as I power walked past the front entrance that there were still a LOT of people still in the courtyard considering that we had all of 0 minutes to get to class, but I brushed it off as a bunch of pot heads chilling out not wanting to go to class. As I passed my favorite (insert sarcasm) administrator Ms. Bennett (the little short one that yells at people telling them that they are going to be late) I realized that she wasn't yelling, an odd occurance in and of itself. As I walked down the 800 hall on the way to Meisur Boy-te's room I noticed that he and Mr. Rowland were still carrying on a rather lively conversation even though the late bell had already rung (at this point I obviously have not discovered my blunder). I flung the door of room 801E and gazed upon the nearly empty room. There were 3 people there. I glanced at my watch, I wasn't mistaken in thinking that it was 7:45, and I was late to class. I though to myself, "self is it possible that he told us not to come to school today? Or am I just crazy?" And then I realized that was only a really good dream I had been having on my walk over to East Campus. I made my way to my seat and promptly asked my neighbor what time it was, and she told me "7:40 and you're here unusually early." At this point I was beginning to realize that the second hand on my watch was not moving, and it had been what I thought was 7:45 for the last 10 minutes (in actuallity it was 4:45, the time that it had stopped the previous night). As you can imagine I felt rather stupid, but what I am I saying, that's quite natural, and I suppose I have gotten used to the feeling that I'm an idiot that should pay more attention.
Ahhh Hahh
I have discovered the secret of changing the time!!! yay! Yahoo! Anyway, if you enjoy my little story, just let me know at and I could possibly write more. Or not. Just don't tell me if it sucks, cause I don't think I can handle any more of the whole you suck thing, cause to tell you the truth, I have gotten a lot of that in the last 3 years of my life, and especially in the last 3 days, so please, don't tell me if I suck, cause that might as Mr. Rowland says "Push me over the edge." I think that was what first made my life suck in the last few days, Mr. Rowland telling me that I was his project for the year, to keep me from going over the edge. I know it's all just in fun, but really, he didn't have to say it. I know I'm just a little crazy, that's what 4 years of not really having a relaxing summer vacation due to the massive amounts of homework due the first day of school, thanks to teachers like Sra. Mendez, Sra. Arnold, Mr. Rowland, Mr. Boyte, Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Richardville (my favorite teacher from hell) and Mr. Klongerbo (who will from this point on be refered to as Mr. K most likely, cause that's what I call him in class, can't you already tell how cool he is). I really liked Mr. K, he's a very cool and laid back kind of guy, but he's smart too. I think he is really the only English teacher that I haven't minded working for. Mrs. R-ville was totally the opposite, she was terrible. i didn't like her at all. My IB class made her quite teaching IB, cause she hated us with a passion. I don't know how we didn't end up killing each other after spending a year in her class
Norah Jones is so cool. One of my good friends, Chris, permitted me to listen to her music one day and I just loved it. I enjoy jazz in the first place, but a girl with a nice voice who plays her own music is always cool. Which is also why I like Jewel and Vanessa Carlton (I got both of those CDs for my B-day). Anyway, the ToK paper calls once more, and I'm starting to get REALLY tired, and I'm only 3/10ths of the way done. Ciao!
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12:41 AM
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
Hello, my name is Laura and I'm a tired IB student. What in the world is IB you might be wondering. That means I get to work my butt off for an ugly piece of paper (it really's got this nasty color of teal, and purple and a few other's that DON'T GO TOGETHER!! And it's written in 3 languages cause it's INTERNATIONAL, but to tell you the truth, the only one I care about is English, cause that's the one I read...well, I can read basic Spanish too, but that doesn't matter) that I might receive at the end of my Senior year of High School...maybe. If you happen to be wondering what the heck ToK is...well, you're in luck, because I'm about to whine about it for a few paragraphs, or perhaps not so much, because I have a 1000-1500 word essay to write due TOMORROW!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!
Theory of Knowledge: IB's way of making people think about how they know something, or more importantly why you don't really know anything. Okay, not really, but that's what it seems like sometimes (my teacher would totally rip that sentence apart...give me a second and I'll get to him). Anyway, right about now ToK is my least favorite class in the world for several reasons:
1. I'm up at 10:30 and I still have 1000 something words to write
2. Mr. Boyte is a tough teacher and I really despise tough teachers.
3. There are some really smart idiots in my class who ...for some reason...enjoy getting us yelled at and get our study hall time revolked...thanks a lot guys.
4. You have to work in ToK
5. You have to think in ToK
Those are my reasons for disliking ToK. Thank goodness it is almost over. But that is a moot (I don't know how to spell that, but I know what I mean...and hopefully you do too:-) point. I still have to work for another week. (Thankfully at the end of that week I will be coming up on a 5 day weekend...yes I said 5 DAY WEEKEND!!! Halleluah thank you Jesus! Mr. Boyte's one saving grace is that he is the Senior class that means he's the one that gets us (as seniors) excellent creations like SENIOR SKIP DAY (which my parents have graciously allowed me to participate in) and GRADUATION!!!! Less than 140 school days left everyone!!! Yay boh! (if you didn't understand's okay...just a drama thing.))<---that looks like Calculus (another class created by the DEVIL!!!). Die calculus die!! As you can see I will never be a mathematics major in college (or philosophy, or engineering, or anything that has to do with logical thinking...cause I really suck at that!) Anyway, I really have to go work on this paper, because I'm tired and I want to go to bed...I am after all in need of sleep!! If you were wondering about Mr. Boyte, I'm sure I will find reason to complain about him again...
...MORE TO COME!! (maybe...if I don't DIE from ToK first)!
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10:29 PM