Tuesday, November 05, 2002

The sky was brown today. No, I haven't gotten my colors mixed up, it was brown. It rained. We had to stop soccer practice (not that I really object). The green of the trees and the grass were more vivid than I have seen in a long time, and the grayish black of the asphalt was blacker than ever, and the headlights of the oncoming cars were brighter than a full moon. The video room was disgustingly smelly when we went in there for soccer. Like mildew mixed with fermented sweat. That's actually what it probably was. But I really have nothing to say right now, so perhaps later I will write something of interest.

Friday, November 01, 2002

Happy Halloween everyone!!! It's technically Nov. 1st, but who really cares. I should be working on my extended essay abstract right now, but I decided I need a break from thinking, so I will just ramble now. Soccer tryouts were okay today, but again kind of boring, but of course everything is boring if it doesn't involve smelly gloves and a metal frame with a net attached to it, but that's besides the point, everything else is just work. I was with a group of girls that really isn't any good at 5v2, which is a great game if you do it right. They would kind of kick the ball and it would go spinning of somewhere to the far reaches of the soccer field and everyone would have to run after it and then Stone came over and got on our case about the ball going all over the place. Then we did some Brazilians and then some 1v1 and then we went home...without doing sprints ::hallelujah::. I am tired nonetheless. I was up till 1 last night cause of my extended essay, and now I am up equally late tonight for the same reason. That and I have a calculus test tomorrow that I really need to study for.

Today in History class Chris was singing some of the music for Valjean and I was about to melt. I sang Cosette and Eponine for him when he got to those parts. He sounded immeasurably better then I did, but I really loved listening to him anyway. He has this smooth voice that just makes you melt when you hear it (as long as it's not full of cuss words all over the place). Anyway, I think he sounds better than the Broadway guy, but it may have something to do with the fact that I know Chris personally. He is definately the one person from the Senior class that is most likely to get an Oscar/Grammy/Tony.

You know what...I never said anything about homecoming. Well, it was fun. I'm glad I went. Everyone said my dress was pretty. I thought the earrings I was wearing was overkill though. But Matt said I looked fine, so I don't really care. But you know who looked fine, Matt. He was wearing this three piece suit that looked like something Gene Kelly would wear. He looked totally classy. It is at those moments that you remember why you had that Middle School crush in the first place. Whoever he marries is going to be one lucky girl, cause he's really nice when he wants to be...and he's really hot when he wants to be too. The after party was fun too. I got pushed in the pool...well, sort of, I jumped in while fleeing from AJ and Amy (they made such a cute couple!). And speaking of AJ and Amy...there is this huge joke about them that is totally funny just because of how obsurd it is and it is only magnified by how easy it is to make Amy mad about it. And AJ has no idea he's even involved in the whole thing (other than on the teasing side with me). It's the funniest thing. I won't tell you about it though, cause that would potentially make Amy really really mad, and that just wouldn't be cool...at all. Anyway, I'm going bye-bye now, my EE Abstract is calling my name.