Thursday, January 22, 2004

Back To School

Another Semester has begun here at the Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship House. Everyone is still getting adjusted to having 4 new girls in the house, and not having 4 old friends here as well. The dynamic has changed, but hopefully it will normalize within a week or two. With the new girls has come new conflicts within the house, including the first need for fines, both housewide and individual. So here's the story behind the housewide. Everyone knows that college campuses aren't exactly the safest place on the face of the planet, therefore we lock our doors all the time, and everyone is aware of this rule. But some people, being entirely unsensetive, thought it necessary to leave several doors unlocked. We don't know who keeps doing it, only that it is a problem. Also, no one is allowed to touch the thermostat, because it wastes electricity every time it is changed. So someone went and changed it, even after several house warnings. This I am not happy about at all. The signs were posted all over the house, even under the thermostat, so there is absolutely no way that someone could be ignorant of the policy. It just agrivates me that someone would be that incondiderate.

The personal fine went to one of the new girls, a Chinese Music major who is not new to the Foundation. The rule violated? No guys can enter in the back doors, and what does she do??? Brings a guy through the back doors, and doesn't even sign him in. One of the officers saw her sleeping during the house meeting, which is probably why she is completely ignorant of most of the rules, even the ones that are aimed directly at her. She's giving her roommate fits because she talks on her cell phone loud and late into the night. Her roommate is by the way a nursing student who has to get up early every single day. What I don't understand is how she has stayed in the foundation. She's completely inconciderate of her fellow housemates, and she is constantly breaking rules, and it's not like they are difficult rules to follow.

On a completely different note, I was watching "You've Got Mail" on the tube this evening, wishing for a boyfriend, and wishing for someone to converse with online from time to time. I have friends that I talk to, but they are seldomly on when I am, because I really don't have much time to spend online during the evenings, mostly because I don't have internet access in my room, but that's besides the point. There is something appealing about being able to connect with someone where you are able to erase your words and rephrase them before sending, especially when you tend to ramble on incesantly, getting nowhere in live conversations, and generally sounding like a fool when I do. Sigh, why can't life be full of Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks-like couples living their lives together in utter happiness, never really having to worry about certain things (like hair and makeup because there is always someone to do it for them). And why can't we all be so cute and slender having that perfectly innocent smile? Oh fooey. Maybe some day I'll find a man.

January 21, 2004
So again today we had some house problems. Someone put something into the microwave which is not compatible with microwaves. It’s really one of those ridiculously stupid moments in life. But I have to wonder why EVERYTHING is going wrong in the house at the same time: all the mess with the furniture and the office, the consistent breakage of rules which leads to fines, and now the destruction of an otherwise perfectly fine microwave. We were all standing in the kitchen after the microwave blew up talking about having another house meeting and going over in detail all of the notes that decorate the walls in the common areas. It’s actually quite comical to see them all, different hand writing and fonts sprawled across each one addressing a different problem within the house. Seriously, why can’t people just follow directions?