Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Greetings My Adoring Public!

Hello, my adoring public, all four of you. So glad to be communicating with you again. Not that I've been out of communication with you, but well, it's been a week or so since my last post, mostly because I have not been inspired for a week. A whole week. Is that bad that I am devoid of inspiration for that long? I guess its better than never being inspired at all. Lack of inspiration must be the most depressing thing ever. Maybe that's why I was in the dumps this past week, but let us not go there, it's a painful experience and I don't want to talk about it!!!!!! Gosh, you people never stop pushing!

Moving on to greener pastures.

Have you ever used I have, and let me tell you, it's dangerous. Don't do it! You get sucked in to this vortex of knowledge and you're unable to escape until something more interesting comes your way! is out to get us! Seriously though, you look up the definition for something which provides this huge list of synonyms, and once you click on one, you've got to click on the next. It's crazy, really. I literally spent an hour one day this past week on! Who knew that words could be so addictive?

[changing the subject]

My roommate has sleep problems. She like keels over and DIES if she doesn't get a certain amount of sleep. This evening, for example, I enter my room at roughly 9:12 pm to find her already in bed! Can you believe that? I haven't gone to bed before 9:00 since that one time in high school when I fell asleep on my math book and didn't wake up till 6:00 am the next morning. Am I weird to think she's weird? To be fair, I also have some serious sleep issues, cause I can live on like 2 hours of sleep and still function properly for the day. But honestly, 9:00 pm? You have got to be kidding me.

[yet another change of subject, could this mean that I lack focus?]

I saw a bluejay and three cardinals today whilst roaming around campus. The cardinals were playing in this garden I walk past on the way to my first class. I wish they had been playing baseball, because that would have been incredibly funny, but I must remind myself that birds don't play baseball. The bluejay perched on the tree outside my window and watched me play Minesweeper (yes, I'm that much of a dork) for a few minutes before being frightened away by my celebration dance once I finally beat the expert level. Ok, so that last part didn't happen, but I did see a bluejay on the tree outside my window. And I wasn't playing was Freecell.

[change of subject #4; lack of focus definitely a possibility]

If you like the new "favorite post" section on my side bar let me know, cause I like it, and I figured out how to do the HTML editing all on my own!! Isn't that nifty? I'm so proud of myself. If you're proud of me too, you might consider leaving a comment for me...seriously, it would be cool. I like getting comments, they make me feel slightly less loser-ish.

[If you're not Squirty, this doesn't concern you]
Hey le squirt,
Found some good info on Harvest Moon if you're interested at all. Check it out. And yes, I know I'm a dork.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Its kimi that one time you went to bed at 9 pm and woke up at 6, i bet it was a morning where you didnt have to sprint to the bus as it was passing your house-- hehehe!!


Laura said...

Well, I'm sure it would have been, except it was post-University/Timber Creek split, and I was driving myself to school by that time. But otherwise, I'm sure I would have been running after the bus.

Laura said...

Oops, would NOT have been running after the bus.

Anonymous said...

i love knowing i have stupid comments on my journal...dont you laura definitely does make you feel important....since when did having comments on a journal equate with coolness?!
