Friday, November 12, 2004

It's 3 AM, I must be lonely

I just returned to my desk after taking a short break from Romeo and Juliet to obtain a mug of hot chocolate. I'm just now starting on the body of my paper. My paper is due in under twelve hours. Also to be done in those twelve hours: sleep, attend two classes, eat. I'm thinking one or two of those events might have to be cut from my schedule, probably sleeping and eating. Why do I do this to myself?

I spent most of today sleeping, half-heartedly reading Shakespeare, listening to recently obtained music, sitting in front of my computer surfing the internet learning what mayhem occured thousands of miles away in the last 24 hours and just sitting in general. I should have been whole-heartedly reading Shakespeare, writing a paper, and reading my Play Analysis book. Now I'm up the creek without a paddle. And I'm stalling even more by writing in this blog. Once this night is complete, the aircraft of my conscious will be making a rapid descent towards sleep. By descent I mean nose dive. Let's hope I don't sleep through class again.

To be completely frank, I am fed up with writing a paper almost every week for Play Analysis. The only comfort I have in this paper is that after it's completion I will have only one left, plus a 3,000 word summary paper due on the day of the final, but I plan to ignore that one for at least another day. I did not think writing this many papers would be so bad, they are after all only 1,000 words each. But every week I find myself resenting them more and more. I have spent many moments thinking of a suggestion to make to my teacher for the benefit of future classes, but none presents itself. Writing these papers is pretty much unavoidable if the class goals are to be accomplished. I hate it when professors are right.

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