Sunday, December 01, 2002

It's been nearly a month since I last expressed my thoughts and complaints on this website. Much has happened, but my life has not changed on the suck-meter. As any of my faithful readers might know (not that there are any), I usually write when I should be working on something else, usually something very important. Why should I break tradition tonight? I should be working on Spanish homework right now. But I really don't want to. What kind of a person gives 2 pages of homework over thanksgiving weekend anyway. Oh yeah ALL OF MY STINKING TEACHERS!!!! Damn them. They don't comprehend the concept of vacation, short though it may be. For the love of pete...back off! You still have us under your thumb for another month after this break!! Ugh!! I hate school. And I hate Senior year. The only saving grace is that I get to leave in 6 months. High school is a crappy environment. They don't let you enjoy ANYTHING!!!!! My entire world of high school is falling apart. Soccer sucks...why? Because I'm warming bench for a sophomore, the wise part of this word is not applicable to her. IB sucks...why? Because it's IB, and I'm in it, and I have two stinking long essays at the end of the week. I have a 2400 word essay due before the end of the semester. I'm tired of all this crap. I'm tired of not ever having a break. No matter when this break is, I always have the knowledge that I have some kind of crap due when I get back hanging over my head that it is impossible to really relax. Since I am under the legal drinking age and drugs are illegal there is no way for me to forget. I don't see why teachers can't let us sit around and relax during our breaks without having to do any homework at all. I was reading this afternoon...the Handmaid's Tale. I was enjoying it until I remembered that I am supposed to be underlining and analizing and all of this crap as I go along, and that just ruined it all. I'm tired of having to closely read everything, why can't we just read something for the fun of it? Anyway, I'm done whining about school for the moment, though I'm sure I will have something else to talk about withing a few days. Until we meet again.

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