Thursday, March 11, 2004


My deepest and most humble apologies for being entirely negligent on updating my blog, but I figured that since hardly anyone reads it that the frequency of my updates probably doesn't really matter that much. But oh well. It's Spring Break for those of us at FSU (and UF..maybe some other schools too), and I've celebrated this occasion by going home to Orlando...ah yes, good old Orlando. My mom is in Thailand for the week, so many of the things that are wonderful about home (good food mostly) are absent....I could cook, but I just don't wanna.

I'm supposed to go job hunting tomorrow and I don't quite know what to do about it...because I don't particularly want to, and I really have no idea who to put down for my references, because I've never had a job, and I'm totally isolated from all of my professors/people in control. Oh well, I'll get over it.

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