Wednesday, May 19, 2004

My First Two Weeks of FREEDOM

I've been home for about two weeks now, and it has definitely been strange living with my family again. All five of my family members now live under the same roof full time. My older brother has not really lived here for almost 2 years, and he's back now because of his internship at Lockheed Martin. Everyone in my family has stuff to do except me. Why? Well honestly, I'm a little lazy. I don't have a job yet, although I've been working on it a little harder lately. I took an alphanumeric typing test Monday so I could get a job at Campus Crusade, even though that might not happen at all. Due to my lack of a job, I spend much of my time at home in bed, or playing stupid computer games, or watching old TV shows, or listening to music, or cooking, or doing yard work, or cleaning the bathroom, or my room, or the living room, or the kitchen. I do a lot of cleaning. My brother seems to think that since I've come home he is totally absolved of doing chores, which irritates me more than a little.

And now for a disgusting story...
When I came home, I was greeted by a bathroom which had not been cleaned for several months, not weeks, MONTHS. Perhaps boys are blind to the layers of dirt and grime building up on the bathtub floor and walls, the hardened toothpaste permanently fused to the sink. Unfortunately, I was not born with selective impairment of sight. After a day of prodding my beloved brother to clean the bathroom with little result, I set to cleaning it myself. It took three long hours, but believe me, the room sparkled - just like in those corny scrubbing bubble commercials.

This weekend I hung out with "the gang" quite a bit. Now that everyone (except me) has a job, that is pretty much the only time we have to hang out. Saturday night I went over to a friend's house and we played croquet in the back yard and jumped on their trampolene, not at the same time of course. After it was too dark to stay outside and the mosquitoes started biting, we retired to the living room where we sat around talking like a bunch of old fogeys and flipping through magazines. At least no one was knitting. The guys started talking about hunting and firearms and politics and history, and we contented ourselves with flipping through "Country" magazine looking for the hidden needle. Ok, so that's not all we did, but to think that we were doing that at all, boy, we need a life.

Sunday afternoon a bunch of us got together and played ultimate frisbee and volleyball, which was a lot of fun. I haven't played a good game of ultimate frisbee since the trip to Estonia 2 summers ago. It was a lot of fun. All of this to say, yes, we do engage in youthful activities sometimes - no need to worry about the premature aging of my friends and I.

Have a wonderful day!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! We're not old, dagnabbit! :-p

Isn't freedom boring after awhile. . . I want a job!

Sigh. . . . .if everyone else (besides you and I) is busy all day, it makes me feel really bored sitting around the house.

Oh well. . . I'll be up at Lake MI soon enough :) Hehe.
