Monday, May 24, 2004


Shrek 2 was pretty funny, not as funny as I had hoped, and certainly not as funny as mi hermano major made it out to be, but funny none the less.

Exercise is fun, especially when you start seeing results.


I miss my ADK girls, especially the ones who aren't coming back next semester! I don't think I've ever been so excited to see someone on instant messenger in my LIFE, except for when I moved up to college and saw my Orlando friends online for the first time. It's strange how tight of a bond you make with people in less than a year, but I'm missing all of them (well, maybe not ALL, most) a lot.

My brother has been really not nice today...maybe it's his time of the month. Yes, I know, guys don't have that time of the month, but I really think there is something hormonal going on that changes that makes them cranky and plain disagreeable. And furthermore, must he sit in front of the TV blocking the view of EVERYONE else in the room? Gee, it's like he thinks he's the only one that lives there. And where does he get off treating my other brother like crap? It's not like he's perfect, even if he acts like he is.

Being "the woman of the house" is really freaking hard. My parents are out of town for 2 weeks and I get to play mom for said period of time, and frankly it sucks. Boys are so dirty. They cook something and they don't wash their dishes when they're done. If I didn't clean up their food it would stay out there all week. When I wasn't responsible for things I didn't notice them, like the daily overflow of the trash can. Oh crap, I totally forgot to pick the vegetables today...SHOOT! The living room is always messy because none of us fold blankets when we're done with them, Paul insists on throwing the throw pillows all over the room. I know they are throw pillows, but that's their title, not their purpose. I have a lot more appreciation for my mother now that I've had to take her place for a brief period of time.

Ok, enough of my thoughts for now. Go do something productive.


Anonymous said...

I SOOO agree! I'm sure that guys have some sort of cyclical emotional mood swing things too. I've noticed it some with my brothers, but AJ goes through these mood things too. . . I mean hey, it could be something totally unrelated (like circumstances? .. . nah :-p) But I'd like to think they do. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and that was AMY by the way. Ammiiitttaaa