Thursday, February 10, 2005

A Really Stressful Day

I know I promised myself that I wouldn't just talk about "my day" in this blog, but oh my goodness, I really need to do some venting, and the lack of roommate leaves me but one option: releasing steam on my unsuspecting readers. But now that I've warned you, you're not unsuspecting, so let's just say you knew what you were getting yourself into. Deal? Good. Glad to see you're still with me, reading my blog instead of an ever more interesting blog. [Side note: I like hyperlinks...have you noticed?]

Anyway, [Side note #2: my disc drive is making a rather disturbing sound, that can never be good, maybe it will be a good reason to finally call Dell and get them to send me a new one.] I will revert to mathematical looking symbols to express the vast majority of my day:

Was that clear enough? Anyone want the whole story? Ok, I see that hand.

Today started out on an okay note, literally. Instead of the usual sound of a dying goose (or perhaps gander) which issues from my alarm clock every morning, I heard in its place something which sounded like singing; a human voice releasing one solitary note, and yes, it did stop when I hit the snooze button. I think I was still dreaming, although I distinctly remember trying to figure out why my alarm clock actually sounded good for the first time in...well...the history of mankind. After my pleasant awakening and subsequent slapping contest with the snooze button (I won of course) I indulged in a leisurely shower prior to going to class after a brief stop at Bill's Bookstore to purchase three "blue books" and a pack of fountain pen refills. For those of you not familiar with college kid lingo, a "blue book" is eight sheets of paper stapled together with a blue cover which has lines for Instructor, date, course, etc., for use on exams. Why regular notebook paper and a staple wouldn't suffice is beyond me. The blue books one gets from Bill's have a cheery "Good Luck" emblazoned across the front as if it were taunting you as you write your essays. In the bottom corner is one of those 'recycled' symbols, informing you that they too love the environment. But I digress. Women in Lit was pretty good actually. Quite amusing. We read "Female Orations" by Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, and it was really funny, cause Dr. B----- really hates the last oration and she gets all frustrated when someone is like, "I kind of agree with this." [Side note #3: I totally had Dr. B------ laughing at the "Bring me my red jacket" joke, and saying, "Holy Crap." Those who know Dr. B------ can appreciate what huge accomplishment this is.]

After Women in Lit, I had a Cultural Anthropology midterm, and the suck began. The test [actually the reason I needed the blue books] was a little lengthy to take in 50 minutes and answer the questions thoroughly. It doesn't help that some of the words are in a different language. I barely finished and I ended up being slightly tardy for Acting class where I-- gave me the "you're cutting it close" look, and the "I was getting worried you weren't going to make it" speech. Anyway, I had my monologue rehearsal thing today, and I guess I did okay, especially in comparison to my fellow techies who don't know much about acting either.

Acting class lead straight into a study group for Women in Lit, cause we have a midterm on Friday. [Side note #4: Forget stressful day, try stressful week!]. The study group itself was quite entertaining. When you put a dozen goofy girls together laughter is bound to happen. Although I got quite a bit of entertainment from the study group, I also got a large dose of anxiety. Sadly enough, a spoonful of sugar doesn't help the anxiety go down, and now I'm seriously stressing about my midterm on Friday because I've realized that I have absolutely what Anne Killigrew [...Peter Pettigrew] wrote.

When I got home and clicked on a friend's away message, I was blessed with one of those stinking AIM viruses. This particular virus is fairly new, so there's no remedy floating around the internet yet, and the virus automatically shuts down Windows Task Manager (the Ctrl + Alt + Del thing), so I couldn't fix it myself. So I wiped the hard drive. It was actually just a good excuse to do what I've been meaning to do for several weeks [by several weeks I mean since before Christmas break], and to put off doing my homework. Always a good thing, putting off homework.

So the day has been stressful. Although looking back on it, I had a good time being stressed out. I guess my equation from above should be changed to something like:
Anyway, I will leave you now with a small nugget of joy. [Did I mention I like hyperlinks?]

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