Thursday, April 14, 2005

I Think I Can, I Think I Can...

Well, a week and a half left of school, then finals week then FREEDOM!!!!! Before freedom: 1.5 weeks of studying, writing, reading, more writing, more reading, more writing, and some table building. If you don't see me, I'll be in my room typing furiously while getting my Vitamin D from artificial sun lamps. Due Monday: Anthropology paper. Due Wednesday: Women in Lit paper. Also Due Wednesday: Acting 1 paper. Women in Lit can be postponed, I just have to do a little more work, but I would really like to go into finals week with nothing to do but study for my one and only test on Friday. All that free time could be used to hunt down whoever schedules final exams and beating them down for scheduling my only exam on the last day of finals!!! AGGGGGHHHHH!!! Second semester in a row! Anyway, I'm done with my little hissy fit now.

Anyway, today was quite a bit stressful and had nothing to do with the mountain of homework facing me in the next week. I began my day with the knowledge that it was going to be hectic. You see, aside from being my long day anyway, Wednesdays are my day to cook, and furthermore, we were having guests for dinner. Not for dinner, but well you get the point, and isn't that an over worn joke? So instead of the regular 17 people that I have to make dinner for, it was upped to 21. Hurrah. The extra five people meant an extra bag of chicken that had to be cut up when two would have been more than sufficient. I made Chicken Linguini in a garlic basil (and whatever other spices I felt like throwing in there) sauce. Thankfully, we got a garlic press, so the past misfortunes with garlic chopping were not repeated. I did however, have to chop some onions, and let me tell you, the tears were flowing. Anyway, dinner was a relative success and would have occurred on time had it not been for us forgetting to put the garlic bread in the oven until 6 o'clock. Astonishing isn't it, me of all people forgetting to do something.

I had planned to go see Romeo and Juliet tonight at the Fallon Theatre, but I was so tired after dinner that I didn't want to fall asleep during the show, cause that's rude, and I have some sense of theatre etiquette...unlike some of my roommates, but that's a different story for a different time.

So I spent my evening doing homework instead. I didn't get to watch Lost or Alias, which saddened me deeply, but I did get some work done, so it's okay I guess. I'll watch them over the summer. Or maybe I won't cause I'll be in Barbados. I worked on homework and reading the my Barbados information notebook (which I should have done AGES ago) until around 12:20 (and played some guitar too) at which point I realized that it's Wednesday, which is bathroom cleaning day, which means I forgot to check bathrooms at 10 o'clock. So I'm fining myself for not doing my work job. Yippie.

But surprisingly enough, the day wasn't that bad. There have definitely been worse days as well as better days, but you have to roll with the punches, and I think I rolled pretty well all considering. Anyway, back to work, or sleep, whichever comes first.

If you need me, I will be unreachable for a while, I'll have dropped off the face of the planet.

[And if you're wondering why I didn't post for a while, it's cause I was working on something else.]


Anonymous said...

I love it when you link things to your blogs :)
I a dork.

Anyway, nice pic for your story thing. And nice writing too. It was a good story and cool to "hear" what you learned at Christmas Conference.
Love yOu!

Laura said...

I like it when I link things to my blog too, it's like opening up a can of worms. See where it takes you. Maybe into some magical portal into a new galaxy. Or maybe just to the IMDB page on Braveheart.

[Clears throat] Anyway, I liked the story on my Story Spot too, I tried to make it sort of funny, cause I know reading something like that can be boring...kind of like something else I write...

Anywho. Must go, have papers to write and sleep to miss.