Monday, May 16, 2005

News from the Home Front

So it's been a while folks. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first is I've been working for the past week at Donation Services at Lake Hart, and the time I am at home is spent doing reading, sleeping, eating (no and watching tv. Oh, and harassing the brother, but that's more of a hobby than anything else. My room has is currently in a state of disarray, having been packed with my belongings which were already in the room and my belongings which were in my room in Tallahassee. So basically, I have two rooms worth of stuff and no where to put it. It sucks really. You might not think it to look at me, but I like having a fairly neat room (fairly neat, not spick and span, cause that's just way too time consuming...and I hate dusting). Access to my desk is really limited, as it is blocked by two crates, a back pack, a suitcase, and random articles of clothing depending on the time of week. Somehow the rocking chair migrated into my room, so now the already limited floor space is limited even further. So basically, I don't have anywhere to put my stuff. I have yet to unpack my suitcase entirely because my drawers already have stuff in them which I will have to dispose of in some way before putting the clothes I really wear into it.

On a totally different note, I've lost weight, can you tell? More than 30 pounds since December. I've been on the South Beach Diet since I got home, and I really am missing the carbs, but I'm not missing the pounds, so I will persevere (until Barbados, then all bets are off). I'm at work right now, by the way. We ran out of things to do. Hurray. So back to the weight thing, I've gone down a pants size, so that makes me happy.

This whole post is really just kind of blah, so I'm gonna stop, because I'm getting bored writing it, and if it's boring me, dang, it must be boring you. Sorry. Get over it.

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