Friday, February 29, 2008

Murphy's Law and Happy Leap Day

Perhaps this example stretches the definition of Murphy's Law, but as I drove home from school today, the "Check Engine Soon" light popped on in the left corner of my dash. How typical that just when Dad goes out of town, my car needs his special talents. I should have seen this coming, since I was having minor difficulties with it a few weeks ago. I thought the problem had solved itself, but no such luck. Then again, I am quite fortunate that my parents just got a new car (much swankier than my own) which I can drive until they get back [wink wink].

On another note, Bard has spent no less than a third of the time since I got home crying in front of the parents room wondering where they are. Right now he's licking the remnants of my salad dressing from the bowl, his tail draped across my wrist. Silly kitty.

Anyway, I'm tired. Really tired. Auditions took a long time, and I'm sure I've disappointed several of my better students merely because I ran out of leads to give them. It was a decision based on their auditions and past experience. In both cases, it added up to a minor role. I loath that element of my job. C'est la vie. Perhaps I can work out a way to double cast a couple of people.

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