Sunday, November 23, 2008

Odd Couple from the Other Side

Odd Couple is now over! I'm extremely proud of my students, and I'm especially happy that I actually got to sit and enjoy the show this year (for the most part), which means I'm nearly to the point where they can run it themselves, without having to consult me at every turn.

Of all the nights, I'd have to say that Thursday and Friday were the best, mostly because the crowd was the most responsive those nights. I was worried at the beginning of the week that they wouldn't be able to pull it off, but on Thursday it all seemed to come together, and they gave sterling performances.

The cast for the Sunday performance experienced one of the things that makes live theatre unique from other dramatic forms: audience responsiveness, or in this case, the lack thereof. When I stepped on stage for the introduction, I felt the lack of energy and excitement in the crowd. The audience hardly laughed for the entire first act, even with the other cast and myself doing our best to seed the laughter. Despite this, the cast persevered and the audience loosened up a little bit in the second act.

All in all, I think the show was a success, but I'm glad that it's over. I spent this entire last week coming home early, well, at the same time as everyone else, and sleeping.

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