Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Godfather of Birds

There is a tree outside my window that is frequented by birds of all kinds. Cardinals, blue jays, pigeons. Last night perched on a branch was the godfather of birds. No joke. This bird was brownish-grey with a yellow beak and a girth twice that of any bird I've ever seen. It returned today as well. I couldn't help but wonder, have I done something to upset the Godfather of birds that he would linger by my window on multiple occasions? He sat there, his beady black eyes scoping me out, ruffling his feathers every few moments, his orange beak glaring like a warning sign.

Godfather of birds [in his best Brando voice]: You know why I'm here, kid.
Me: I don't godfather. What have I done to deserve such treatment? I didn't cheat you, I promise.
Godfather: You think I don't know that. I need a favor. My friends, the cardinals, have been attacked by a gang up north called the "sox."

I am reminded of the "Goodfeathers" cartoon of Animaniacs fame. Maybe the Godfather of birds just dropped in to scare away my roommate's hicups. Lets hope so, I was rooting for the Red Sox.


Anonymous said...

HAHA...and go Red Sox. I'm in favor of officially renaming the Boston Red Sox the Boston Yankee Killers, and instead of a "B" on their hat, there could be a picture of a corpse wearing pinstripes.

P.S. Go Sox

Laura said...

Hey, thanks for the compliment. You've won a free e-hug. *E-HUG* Not that you wanted one, but you won it, so it's yours now, and no, I'm not taking it back. Why do you think I give it away for free? Anyway, I like your idea about the pinstriped corpse. Although I don't rabidly hate the Yankees, I'm glad they finally got their comeupance.

Laura said...

And yes, I consider "HAHA" a compliment. I like being funny, relatively.

Anonymous said...

Once again, you're mind is amazingly creative and it's enjoyable to read what comes out of it.


Laura said...

Awww...thanks dude. I'm happy to open my crazy imagination for public consumption. Heart, Laura