Sunday, November 07, 2004

Home for the Weekend

This weekend I went home for the first time since school started. It was a nice (if brief) vacation from the life which I lead in Tallahassee. I, for a few moments, ignored the fact that I have a midterm, a paper, and a quiz staring me in the face and played Nintendo for as long as I wanted. My brother rented "Spiderman 2: The Game" and we both played far more than we should have, but well, it's not like there is much else to do, and besides, it's sibling bonding. Funny, isn't it? A computer program which is meant to entertain one person at a time brings my brother and I closer together. How sweet.

Since the hurricanes came through and messed up my house, it has undergone some serious changes. There's a new roof and tile in most of the house. The tile process is ongoing, and it just so happens that this weekend the laundry room was the target for rejuvenation. It also just so happens that I took a bag of clothes home to be washed over the weekend. Needless to say, I will be re-wearing a pair of jeans tomorrow. Don't you dare say that you've never done that. Everyone has. Step off. Anyway, I'm doing laundry tomorrow.

I bought Aida and Fiona Apple's Tidal, a CD which I have wanted for years, and have never obtained for lack of money. Now that I've got a little cash in the bank I can buy stuff. I should probably be saving it for a car. The little sibling and I spent most of the weekend playing Spiderman (gosh, Tobey Maguire is hot) and listening to Aida. Yeah, I know, I'm a loser. But well, as previously stated, it's bonding time.

Going back to the topic of motor vehicles, I went and looked at one today, about which I was fairly jazzed. The prospect of not having to find rides home and being able to go home at will is quite exhilarating. The prospect of having to get a job to pay for said car, necessary insurance, gas and cell phone (the obtainment of which must soon follow the car) is on the other hand a little (ok, a lot) depressing. Anyway, the car I visited today wasn't for me. It has an automatic transmission. I like manual. I know, most girls don't (too complicated for the female mind or something like that), but I would rather drive manual. I just feel cooler, although that might be the A/C. Ignore the fact that the car I get even with manual transmission is probably going to be a 4 door Ford Escort with under 75k miles, cruise control and air conditioning as opposed to the Ferrari which I envision as I slide that car around a corner and into the lamp post on the far side of the street. I've never done that, but well, I could see it happening...I've not actually tried taking a corner so fast that said situation would occur [did you feel a breeze? That was my parents breathing a sigh of relief]. Anyway, no matter what kind of car I end up getting, I will be happy that it has 4 wheels, an engine and isn't a Saturn.


Anonymous said...

hey so what's up w/ putting down the female mind? reminder: you're female too. :-P
a car would be fun...and then you could visit us!!! whoo hooo!
by the way. the long way: i like your links. it makes the page colorful. how's that for a shallow comment. heh heh.

Laura said...

Shallow comment, but a comment none the less.

Anyway, the dig on the female mind was ment to be a dig on the male perception of the female mind, or perhaps a commentary on how men perceive women, hence the "or something like that." I should probably have stated that the statement was dripping with sarcasm, but I actuallty just did, so no need to go back and edit the post, right? Good.

If I did edit it, it would go something like this:
"(too complicated for the female mind or something like that [is there a faucet leaking somewhere? Oh, nope, that's just the sarcasm])"

Maybe that could use a little more fine tuning, but well, I'm not perfect; and I don't like getting grease on my hands.

Anonymous said...

Hehe Nice reply comment.

Anywho, yeah. What's up with wanting a car to go home. I'm happy you might get one because then you can come to UF!! Desiree said you were in town last weekend, but didn't have the time to drop by :-/ Sadness. Anywho. . . I didn't realize the hurricanes had done such a number on your house. . . or if I did, I thought it would be like a 1 or a 2, not a 5 or a 6 (or whatever it takes to have to replace roof and tile).

But yeah. I think there was one more thing I wanted to comment on, but I forget what it was. Oh well.


Laura said...

Hey, thanks for commenting!

The roof had to be replaced because the house was built shortly before the legislation passed regulating how roofing is attached to houses as a result of Hurricane Andrew. The old roof was held on with staples as opposed to the now standard roofing nails.

All that other damage was a product of the damaged roof. The plywood was exposed to the elements, and since plywood is not quite water tight, the rain water seeped in, messed up the ceiling, walls and carpet. So we're getting tile. Actually, had Hurricane Charley never happened, we probably would not have had all the damage, cause that was the one that took the shingles off.

As for the car: being able to go home at will is the driving force behind getting said car, but among the many perks is the ability to visit my bestest friends in Gainesville.

Now that I've said that, I'm going to go have a few moments with one William Shakespeare, all made possible by the Caramel Machiato I just drank.