Monday, March 10, 2003

A WHAT Kind of Journal?

It was one of those days in English class when you just kind of do a double-take at the assignment projected on the screen. This assignment is due on the 10th of March and it has something to do with Beloved and writing, and it's something called a Dialectic Journal. I have earthly idea what the construction of a "Dialectic Journal" entails. Probably reading the book, and writing something about what I read in the book, and something to do with analysis and response. It doesn't seem that hard...right? Famous last words. There is only so much crap you can pull out of your butt. (But if it's organized crap it's okay!) So here I sit, slaving away (again) on something I have no idea about. Wish me luck.

-Why do they always give the weird books the Nobel Prizes. Why not Anne of Green Gables, or The Lord of the Rings? Why the boring and confusing ones?