Thursday, May 13, 2004

Summer Vacations

Being back on summer break is kind of a strange feeling. I could not wait for this time to come when I was at school, but now that it's here, I miss my friends from up there (and if any of the ADK girls happen to read this, I don't know how they would, but I miss ya), but it's nice being back with my friends down here, especially the hot ones of the male species.

So why is my summer vacation not totally peachy? Well, I don't have a job. This has effected my break in several ways. First, I sit around the house all day not doing anything. Second, my parents are very aware that I don't have a job, which is something they've been prodding me to do for the two previous summers (basically, they remind me daily that I need to be looking for a job). Third, lack of a job equals lack of money; lack of money equals no fun for me; let us face it, you need money for EVERYTHING!!! Oh, and what makes it worse, my brother is being paid $18 an hour to work for Lockheed Martin this summer!! AGH!!!!!!! I should mention that I haven't really TRIED finding a job yet, but I don't really feel like it. Frankly, I like sitting around all day.

On a totally different note, my family has joined the Y. Yeah, as in "It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A!!!" sung by a bunch of gay men in funny outfits as will as every kid who hasn't realized what these gay men are getting at. Anyway. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical glider, which SUCKED, because I stepped off and felt like I'd done 30 minutes of stadiums. I've been walking funny ever since, and the stair to my room which were once a minor obstacle have become a chore. Ok, so it's not that bad. I am actually quite thankful because I'm on the heavy side, and I would love to get into shape for the first time in my life.

I have just recounted what I've been doing for the last two weeks. Pretty boring, eh? Oh my gosh, I've been home for two weeks, and have done nothing. Wow, this sucks. Oh well, nothing is good, right? Oh, and if you have a job that needs to be done, I'm here. I am smart, reliable, and loyal. I have a 3.87 GPA, and I'm an 18 year old Junior in college....HIRE ME!!!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Comments, yay!!!!