Wednesday, April 21, 2004

One Year Down....

I am almost finished with my first year of college...COLLEGE!!! Can you believe it? It feels like yesterday that I was preping for IB exams and performing Les Mis for the 5th or so time. But no, that was a year ago, and I've grown up some since then. Some stuff isn't as important as I thought, some stuff is more important than anticipated. Like the value of alarm clocks...yeah, the are the best invention known to mankind, although if you asked me at 6:50 this morning I'm sure I would have given you a completely different answer. Without my alarm clock I'm sure I would have slept through many more classes than I have.

I think what I've learned this year that has been the most valuable is: 1) Always wear your eyes and ears, cause if you don't, something BAD is definitely going to happen (i.e. temporary loss of hearing in one ear, saw dust in the eyes, etc.) 2) God is always there, no matter what, no matter how many papers I have to write, no matter how insufficient I am, no matter how worthless I feel on any given day, He's there...and going to him always makes stuff feel better, even if going to Him has kept me up for an extra half hour.

That second thing there has taken me a long time to realize. In high school I never took advantage of the abundant grace and power of the one true God, and I think it showed in how stressed out I would get, you know, to the point of tears. This semester has definitely been stressful, but I haven't gotten overly emotional about it, it didn't seem as important in the grand scheme of things, it didn't matter if I didn't get the perfect grade on some things, cause it doesn't matter when juxtaposed with the eternal.

So that's what I've learned this year, and especially this semester..that and 534 BC was when the first tragedy was performed in Europe, even though we don't really know that, it's just an educated guess.

There is no guarantee that I will continue writing over the summer, I will probably be busy chillin with my homies (at the Holidae Inn, j/k), but I will make an attempt to do so, because, well, I like it, and it's fun.

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