Tuesday, December 07, 2004

A List of Wonderings

This is my list of wondering. Most of these wonderings have to do with things which I know will be detrimental to my health, sanity or sleep cycles. So here goes the list.

I'm wondering:
-why I keep putting off writing papers until the last minute. I have again avoided writing a lengthy paper to the last minute. Methods of stalling have varied somewhat; instead of playing Minesweeper I watched Cold Mountain with some of my roommates. Awesome movie, bad timing.

-why in the world I chose to write about Shakespeare's ideal leader for this paper. What was I thinking? There are like eight possible leaders in King Lear alone! I'm considering checking in to the local psychiatric ward and getting my head checked out for making stupid academic choices.

-why I'm writing in my blog when I should be writing about Shakespeare. This remains to be solved, let me know if you figure it out.

-why some birds fly (farther) south in the winter and others (the not as pretty ones) stay here all winter. Clementine left, if you hadn't heard. She's now been replaced by a pigeon who we've named Rufus (in honor of my grandfather, who I never met...hope he doesn't mind). Anyway, gray bird vs. brown/yellow/orange bird, who do you think wins the battle for my affections?

-why my left shift key is being retarded. I've always been nice to you shift key, why are you getting back at me for always being kind and loving? Some things just don't make sense.

Ok, enough wondering for now, it's really time for me to get back to work...actually it was time for me to get back to work about three hours ago, but well, I didn't then, so why start now? Oh, right, my paper's due in twelve hours. That's a good reason I guess.

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