Thursday, January 13, 2005

An Ouch with Each Step

I decided last semester around registration time that I did not want to gain weight this semester, my pants were getting tight, and that's never comfortable. So I signed up for Aerobic Conditioning. It was a good decision, but now I'm in a lot of pain. It's not bad pain really, it's just the I haven't moved my body this much since...the last time I signed up for some kind of physical activity. What I didn't ask for last semester is an Acting 1 teacher who also happens to be a stage combat guy. Yeah, we do a lot of physical activity in that class. You wouldn't think so right? He had us doing stretching exercises, so now my shoulders, back, arms, legs...everything hurts.

I have Aerobic Conditioning (heretofore referred to as "gym") with a friend from Shakes/Women in Lit. We get to walk up the monstrous hill atop which her dorm and my house sit. I pointed out that the university could have used some forethought when building the Student Life Building and the Leach Center/Tully Gym complex. The SLB sits on top of a hill. The Leach Center is at the bottom of that hill. So the kids who go to the SLB to watch movies and eat popcorn don't have to climb a hill to get to it. The kids who go to Leach get an easy walk down to work out and an exhausting climb after their workout once they are already tired.

I have homework to do. A lot of reading for Intro to Cultural Anthropology. I'm working on a post about my prof., cause watching him is kind of funny. He kind of loses credibility cause he looks like Conan O'Brien. I keep thinking he's going to crack some random joke. Anyway, to the homework I go, kicking and screaming.

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