Thursday, February 17, 2005

Busy Day, Busy Week, Busy Life

"If we sacrifice our today for our tomorrow, than all our todays will be abysmal, and that tomorrow that we yearn for, will never come."
-The Squirt

Quote of the day, yay. So anyway, there hasn't really been a lot of substance to the past couple of days. Mostly just going to class, doing homework, eating far to much chocolate thanks to B.W. and the sponsor's been pretty normal. I've been more tired than usual I think, but tired is part of being a college student I guess. The biggest thing since the last time I posted is probably me getting a new roommate. That's right, a new roommate. Still smarting from the loss of my previous (and awesome) roommate, I get another one who, although kind and considerate, is not M. There's nobody telling me to "shut the eff up cause it's two in the morning and I'm trying to sleep!" (and yes, she does say eff, instead of the actual 'f word'), and nobody going to bed at 10 pm driving me to do the same. I really kind of miss it...her...whatever, might as well be it. I think maybe that's why I'm so tired, cause I haven't been going to sleep at a descent hour. Anyway, I think it will just take some getting used to.

On a totally different note, I'm getting really frustrated by the car search. It's still not turning it up, and I'm getting discouraged. It just sucks. To bad I'm such a stubborn person. But seriously, who wants to drive automatic. Psh. If anyone wants to give away a car to a poor college student, give me their number and I'll go do some groveling.


Anonymous said...

You make me feel really special when you write about me. Seriously. I think it's because you make me seem cooler than I feel. Ok. Shut the eff up.

Anonymous said...

ha ha. um. no comments except this comment. -mr. b

Laura said...

Awww...Mo, I'm glad I make you feel special, but really, it's only cause you are. And what are you talking about, you're fun, and cool, I like it.

As for the other person:
Who are you? Do I know you? Not to be paranoid or anything (because I'm not, I'm really not, you should meet my roommate C.), but I don't know you. I'm actually quite jazzed that someone that I don't know (or perhaps I should say don't have a close personal relationship with) reads my blog. But whatever. Point of all of that: who are you? who who, who who? (I really want to know). Wow, I've been watching too much CSI.