Wednesday, July 06, 2005

My Chicken is Starting to Taste Nasty

You know when you reheat food, and it's just not as good as when it was hot of the grill/out of the oven? This is especially true of chicken. Whilst sitting at my desk for lunch (I know, I'm a loser) and reading e-mails from various persons, I munched on my chicken salad with Caesar dressing, that is until the gag reflex started kicking in and I started getting really grossed out. I'll give it a little time and try again later. There is absolutely no way that I would be able to sit through my already painfully boring job on an empty stomach...ok, half empty stomach.

If you couldn't already tell, I am no longer in Barbados, but home once again in Orlando working at my 8-5 desk job processing checks. Exciting sounding isn't it?

It's weird not having practically every moment of my time on demand, I guess I kind of miss it...although it was kind of nice sleeping in 'til noon and a half or so. It was weird waking up on Saturday morning and not being in Barbados. I kept half waking up and expecting to see the ocean out the window and my roommate across the gap between beds. I think I kept going back to sleep cause I thought it was a bad dream or something. It kind of sucks being back where all my hometown friends are either: 1) still on project; 2) still in some foreign country serving Jesus with some other missionary organization; 3) spending all summer with crazy kids in Colorado (at CSU and otherwise).

Well, I think I'm going to try and brave the chicken again. Wish me luck.

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