Friday, November 04, 2005


I was sitting on the couch this evening, thinking about how I should be upstairs working on a paper (theatre history, ick) when one of my house mates picked up a house photo album from my first year of college. Flipping through the snapshots I was reminded of all the good times with the girls in the house. From K.'s 21st birthday dinner at Chili's to the end of the year party in the limo, (the end of which found me and one other person sober) it was good memories all around, even the frustration with the couches was a blast.

So I just thought I would share a picture that I find particularly enjoyable from that year. I think it's one of those that requires a little bit of explanation. If you are among the millions of Americans afflicted with poor eyesight and can't see, it reads: "Laura-Stop stealing my underwear and eating them! Please. -heart- Mo Dude" My reply reads: "Mo, I'm sorry. I was hungry. -heart- Lau[squiggly][squiggly]" I don't remember how that joke got started, it certainly was not rooted in fact. Whatever the case, it still brings a smile to my face, and an ache of nostalgia to my heart, or stomach, or phalangeal nerve. It's funny how random things become when you live with people, but I guess that's why God made Eve in the first place.

It's hard sometimes, remembering how much fun we had my freshman year of college, and then being harshly reminded by my current situation that the good times are over, but I guess it's better to not focus on the fun that we had and look at the fun I can still have with my current roommates (despite the deplorable lack of certain amazing roommates due to marriage/graduation/natural progression of life).

Anyway, I hope you've had an enjoyable time trodding down memory lane with me and seeing a stick figure picture depicting my underwear eating self.

P.S. Sorry I haven't posted anything substantial in a while, I did write a soul-baring post, but it wasn't very complementary to someone, so I felt that I really shouldn't post it for the world to see, not because I didn't want to express my frustrations, but because I didn't want to speak ill of someone in public (I don't know why I think that makes it okay that I totally thought what I did, still do to be honest, but well, you know what I mean). Oh yeah, Mississippi was great, but I will wait on my pictures (which have yet to be turned in for developing, but I'm lazy, what can I say?) to post about it.


Anonymous said...

next time you're hungry for a "nutritious snack" you should come vistit me.

mrs. mo dude

Anonymous said...

Eheh. I love your rendition of your signature: Lau-[squiggle] . . . .

Laura said...

Awww...Mo dude, I'm sure I'll have to come around your place some time to get my fill of fibrous snackage.

And Am[squiggly], just trying to communicate what's really there, and to be honest, most of that note should have been squigglies, because my handwriting is pretty much illegible, but who cares really, cause I know what it said, and Mo Dude knows what it says so we're all good.


Anonymous said...

i want to see pictures. i wishyou weren't going home. it's ad that you love keith more than me. haha! not really. :-P i shall miss my friend but thanksgiving is going to ROCK! yay.
-MB or DVH or me.