Thursday, October 27, 2005

And Here I Am Again

Sitting here at 5 o'clock in the morning has brought me to realize that I have horrible time management skills. And at this very moment, I'm only making my dilemma worse by once again delaying work. My problem is, I think, that I hate the class for which I am working. I think the professor is an idiot, and I wish I didn't have to take it. I think the assignment is a load of crap.

But the more important question is: why didn't I do it this afternoon? I had several hours where I was just sitting around contemplating doing my homework, but never actually doing it. What is it about the night that is so enticing to me? Is it the silence? The empty feeling of a house gone to sleep. I know it's not watching the sunrise as a work. I'm hating myself at this moment for a number of reasons, but mostly because I have to be up in another four hours.

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