Monday, February 19, 2007

On the Eve of an Uncomfortable Week

I find myself sitting at my desk on a Monday night, looking through the blinds at an uncomfortable week. I had hoped to lessen the pressure by getting stuff done Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, I spent most of Friday writing an essay, letter of intent, and resume for my Teach for America application. Saturday I sat around, played some Nintendo, did some reading, and tried to ignore my stuffy nose and sore throat. Sunday was full of BM shopping and more sitting around due to the feeling like crap. I think being nervous about getting my application in had a lot to do with not being able to focus as well. Ever time I sat down to study, I got antsy and had to get up and do something.

So that puts me here, Monday night, with two hundred pages to read, and seemingly endless notes to go over. Added to that is the knowledge that the class I'm studying for doesn't really matter. In fact, the only thing that is keeping me slightly motivated is the thought that if I do well this semester, I might graduate summa cum laude. But I actually haven't calculated it, so I might not be able to after all. I certainly don't want to lose my magna cum laude, so I will persist in studying at least a little.

Anyway, this week is going to be busy. I have a midterm tomorrow in Organized Crime. I haven't really done any of that reading either. It is mostly lecture, so there's little motivation to keep up on the reading, especially when I have English classes where reading is essential. And speaking of English classes, I have a paper due in Senior Seminar due Thursday. I have yet to actually finish a book for that class. I'm at least half way through with most of them, so I just need to pick one and finish it, come up with an argument, develop a thesis, and write the actual paper. Needless to say, this week is going to be busy. I might be pulling an all-nighter on Wednesday.

In other news, I'm stage managing the play (more like collection of scenes) we're doing in my Theatre Encounters class. I need to get with the director some time Tuesday evening or Wednesday to piece together and finalize a script for class on Thursday so we can begin casting. I'm anticipating a lot of time being spent on this.

On top of everything that needs to be done, I'm a bit sick. I woke up this morning with hard dried mucus in my nose, and I spent much of yesterday coughing. I blame this on my roommate, who has been sick for two weeks. I think I'm getting over it though. Horray for a good immune system and the time to sleep as much as I need to.

Anyway, I'm going to get back to studying, because, let's face it, that's what I should have been doing for the fifteen minutes that I just spent writing this blog post.

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