Sunday, May 06, 2007

Trying to Meet My Quota

I decided several weeks ago when I was making changes (I'll call them structural changes) to my blog that I would try to post at least six times a month. So I'm writing in an attempt to meet my quota. That sounds bad, but when I read about writers or hear interviews I'm struck by how many of them had to force themselves to write at the beginnings of their careers. They would set a word quota, or a page quota and just sit and write. No matter what. Whether they had something to write about or not, they would write. Even if they knew that the words they put down on the page would more than likely be cut in subsequent revision, they would write. I sometimes marvel at people who have that kind of willpower. I certainly don't. I would always set goals for myself in my homework when finals week rolled around and everything started getting crazy, but I seldom met those goals.

Now that I'm out of college, I might try setting a quota, perhaps daily or weekly. My playwriting professor said that if you never wrote anything, you were never going to become a good writer. Like anything else, writing takes practice. I should practice more.

And that reminds me, I have yet to post about graduation. I'll get around to it, maybe that will be May post #2.

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