Thursday, March 29, 2007

You May Have Noticed...

...that there are a few visual changes to my blog. Okay, very minor changes. Blogger launched their whole new easy-to-customize system a while ago, and now it's out of beta testing (and has been for a while), so I figured I would go ahead and switch over to the new thingy so I can dink. If you hadn't noticed, my blog was already pretty customized. I didn't have the generic (boring) header, and I had added a Favorite Posts section, I'd changed the color of the post titles, blah blah blah. I knew when I switched over to the new system that I would probably have to do some work to get it back to where I wanted it. And it did. A lot of work. Two hours of work when I should have been sleeping. I spent much of that time bouncing back and forth between the click-and-drag system and the HTML editor. Guess which I prefer...that's right, HTML. The thing is, I had gotten used to it, and I could basically do whatever I wanted with it. Yeah, I would have to look things up online, but I could usually figure something out within a few minutes. Not so with this new system, because now there are widgets, and I don't know what those are, so I'm going to have to either learn or throw in the towel as far as customization goes. So, I have some reading to do (along with substantial translating from "geek-speak" to "(relatively) normal-human".

I like learning new things. Especially when it comes to computers. It makes me feel smart. And a little arrogant ("What, you don't know how to bold something in HTML? Awww, you poor little thing, you"). But then I am reminded that I have no idea why the wireless keeps going out, and why our Internet is spotty. At this point in time, I'm going to cast the blame on Embarq. Although I can't seem to figure out why the wireless router quits communicating hour...every day...for the last week. But I'm going to blame that on Embarq too, mostly because they spelled embark wrong. Stupid Sprint.

Anyway, there's that. I'm going to bed now. Tell me what you think. (Am I shamelessly fishing for comments? Yes.)

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