Thursday, June 21, 2007

Random Thoughts

Here they are:

  • Naps from 7:00PM-8:30PM are not conducive to a healthy sleep schedule.
  • Resumes are a pain.
  • I have too many books. Wait, no such thing...
  • A person's nationality is fluid, especially when they become famous for something. Case in point: T.S. Eliot. This American ex-patriot is in both the Anthology of American Literature and The Norton Anthology of English (as in British) Literature.
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out in a month, I'm so stoked. Still have to read Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince again before then.
  • I should read more.
  • I should quit cheating on the crossword puzzles. But I won't.
  • I never finished most of the books I read in high school. I should work on that. But I won't. At least not yet.
  • Ben Folds rocks. Always.
  • I saw on Facebook that an old roommate has friends getting married named Pam and Jim. I immediately thought of she was talking about The Office. I was mistaken.
  • I enjoy 20th Century Lit much more than I enjoy 19th Century Lit.
  • June 21st. Summertime, and the living is easy...
  • My list of books to read will never dwindle. Never.

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