Sunday, December 30, 2007

On Writers

I feel this obligation to post something before the turn of the new year. My dilemma is that I have no idea what to write about. So, for perhaps the last time this year, I give you a random thought:

There's this podcast to which I subscribe called Reading Rockets. I chose to ignore the goofy title and the odd looks I get from people when they scroll through my iPod in order to bask in the glory of writers talking about writing. Authors of children's literature talking about writing, or illustrating, and how they entered their profession. The need to write runs through nearly every interview, the common thread stitching together the collection of people. These people whose work I read as a child all had the inescapable need to put pen to paper (or finger to key) and write something. I wonder to myself sometimes if I have that same need. I write, yes, but do my musings on this page amount to anything more than rambling?

I don't do a lot of creative writing. For lack of a plot, I instead opt for a record of my daily actions and the interesting things happening to me. And I wonder, could I ever come up with an idea good enough about which to write an entire book?

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It looks like I won't make my goal of 72 posts in 2007. For this New Year's Resolution, 75 posts in 2008. With a little less slacking during the summers, I think this goal is very do-able.

If I don't post again before 2008, Happy New Year!

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