Thursday, December 20, 2007

Random Thoughts

Well, it's nearing the end of this year in which I resolved to post at least six times a month, and if I am to make my goal I will have to post four more after this one. Sadly, I haven't really come up with anything to talk about despite contemplating possible topics for the last week. So, I turn to you, dear reader, to give me something to talk about.

For today's edition of verbal spew, I give you Random Thoughts:

- one of my students poked me on Facebook. I find this a little weird, and am having difficulty deciding what to do in this situation. Shall I poke back, or shall I leave it at this?
- We've finally decided on the spring musical, Once on This Island, composed by the same people that did Ragtime. I dig it.
- There was a cat stuck in the PAC. It was very cute, but I'm glad we got it out, because dead rotting cat corpse is not my favorite odor.
- My students don't like working...ever.

Well, I think I'm done for now. Post suggested topics in the comments.

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