Tuesday, September 02, 2008

A Birthday Resolution

I bought my own point-and-shoot camera right after Christmas last year and went through several weeks of taking pictures at every chance I got. But as the novelty of having a camera wore off, I quit wearing it on my belt, or throwing it in my pocket, now I seldom think of it. This summer I anticipated taking picture after picture as I went sight seeing around San Francisco and southern California, but being a Floridian, and even more, an Orlandonian, I have a distinct distaste for anything touristy. In my aversion to looking like a visitor, I didn't take many pictures at all. Sure, there was Alcatraz, and pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge from Paul's roof, but other than that the camera stayed in its cozy holder tucked away in the bottom of my purse.

I would like to change this. I find it surprising that I take so few pictures considering how visually oriented I am. It would seem that pictures would be an excellent way for me to document things, rather than writing them down. Somehow, I've never been comfortable taking pictures of things. It feels like an intrusion. Anyway, I'd like to take more pictures. Maybe one day I'll actually become good at it.

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