Monday, December 22, 2008

The Great Purge of 2008

Apologies for not posting for two thirds of the month of December. Despite not having anything to do after school officially, I still found myself there until 6 or 7 at least two nights a week. Hopefully I will learn to say 'No' very very soon, lest I become permanent fixture in the PAC and set up a cot in the prop room.

Anyway, a much needed Christmas vacation is finally upon us, and I am spending this, the first official day thereof, cleaning my room. It has been in dire need of a normal cleaning for several weeks, considering the amount of dirty clothes, random papers, and shoes scattered across the floor and my desk. However, I've also decided that this is the perfect time for a purge of things that I saved due to 'sentimental value' that no longer have any sentimental value. It's surprising how the mind/heart/teenage-girl-inside-all-of-us forgets the things that seemed so important at the time. So far I've thrown out some pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio a friend gave me out of her Bop Magazine in 7th grade (I shudder to thing that I ever wanted such a thing), an entire years worth of 'The Torch' (my alma mater's student newspaper), my acceptance letter to UCF (why did I keep that?), and financial aid information from FSU (I doubt that had any sentimental value to begin with). Along the way I've been sidetracked and succumbed to the desire to crack open my senior year book, look fondly upon my glory days, and cringe at the fact that I hadn't fixed my hair before they took my senior picture.

On another note, my New Years resolution last year was to post 75 times. It doesn't look like I'm going to make it without a concerted effort at daily self expression for the next ten days. Any suggestions on what to write about?

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