Friday, September 24, 2004

Thank You, VH1 for Reminding Me How Much I Love the 90s!

For those of you who don't have access to cable television, I am truly sorry. You are missing out on a GREAT show (series really): I Love the [insert decade here]. So far they have completed the 70s, 80s and my personal favorite, the 90s. I haven't actually seen all of the 90s yet, at least VH1's take on it, I saw the 90s in their entirety starting 14 years ago and ending 4 years ago. Even though the show aired over the summer, I was at home where we don't have cable and we devote our time to mastering the fine art of hybridizing plants on Harvest Moon. Anyway, I Love the 90s has revived my love for 90s music. As I sit here typing, the Spice Girls' "Wannabe" is flowing into my ears. The Spice Girls were by no means the pinnacle of 90s music, but man they were good, not talent wise, but their songs are so stinking catchy! If you were a 6th grade girl in 1996 like I was, you most definitely listened to the Spice Girls, and the Backstreet Boys, and you probably had a crush on Justin Timberlake or JC Chasez, although I was thankfully spared from the teenie-bopper crying over inaccessible guys in this camp. Pining maybe, but no tears shed, really. I saved those for people I could actually talk to. Although there was that thing for Leonardo DiCaprio, but that was really because I needed someone to pine after, nothing serious, except for those dreams, I mean....never mind.

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