Thursday, September 16, 2004

They Finally Got the Hint

If you've watched the weather channel in the last week, you've certainly heard about Hurricane Ivan, which is scheduled to reach the Florida panhandle and gulf coast some time very very soon. Until the afternoon, my beloved Florida State University had not closed school for tomorrow, a fact which had the entire student body up in arms. Did they not know that a class 4 hurricane was bearing down on Florida? Even my Play Analysis instructor was put out by their apparent insensitivity towards the hurricane.

About 5:30 the university succumbed and cancelled classes for Thursday, and the celebration began. I happened to be in the living room when everyone found out, and there was a general eruption of joy from every voice in the house, except mine, I never have class on Thursdays. Everyone changed their plans for the evening. Instead of staying in and studying, everyone started getting ready to go out for a night on the town.

The boys from next door came over and we watched Donny Darko. Everyone was a little bit confused, but some more than others. Soon after the movie they left for a Halo tournament. Boys will be boys, eh? My roommates and I watched Hero, the version with translation by Chinese people, the one that is accurate. At least that's what my roommate says. I spent most of the movie making fun of goofy looking hats and slaughtering the Chinese language, unintentionally of course.

Now it's after midnight, and we're watching Peter Pan, the live action version made last year. If you haven't seen it, then you should. Forget that it was made for children; it's a great movie, especially if you can still let your imagination run away with you.

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