Thursday, March 03, 2005


Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of weeks [notice: generic excuse imminent], but well, I've been busy. I've been in one of those homework slumps, or perhaps more accurately, one of those everything slumps where you know you have things to do, but you just don't get around to doing them, setting them aside in favor of important things like changing all of the records held on Minesweeper from "Anonymous" to "Laura," or if we're talking about pinball, making the change from "Anonymous" to "High Queen of the Pinball Machine" [oh look, I made a rhyme]. Due to this, I haven't really touched my homework, my diet, my household duties (well, I mean, I've done them, just not very well). The saddest thing about this week of rest and relaxation: I don't feel guilty at all, not even a smidge. It's mostly just a little, "Dang, I should have done my homework...oh well." I promise that being a slacker is not usually in my nature, but this week I've grown to love my temporary self-appointed slacker status. I just have to snap out of it before the end of the week when I have to write that stinking paper for Anthropology.

On a totally different subject, the boys next door have recently discovered the endless amount of entertainment found in practical jokes played on innocent passersby who made the mistake of walking down the wrong stretch of Jefferson St. The first prank they pulled was quite a bit tasteless, and I will therefore not describe it. The second prank, however, was just flat out hilarious, and it involves a large box, someone with a lot of patience, a couple of cell phones, and a group of people keeping their eyes peeled. I hope you've gotten the idea by now. It's really funny seeing peoples reactions. This one girl was running by and one of the guys popped out of the box and she jumped sky high and continued her run at an accelerated pace. And there was the girl walking past talking on her cell phone who screamed super loud and assailed her assailant with a lengthy string of profanity. It was hilarious. Perhaps more hilarious was the group of eight college students sitting on their knees in front of the windows watching every moving soul progress down the street in suppressed anticipation. It's a good prank, I highly recommend it. Just don't do it too close to a busy street, 'cause when people jump you never know which direction they might go.

Well folks, as much as I love writing about stupid pranks and slackers, I've got to go, 'cause face it, this too is a distraction from the homework. Boo...homework.

Check this guy out, he leads praise and worship for FSU Crusade, he's awesome, hire him, buy his music, go to his concerts...he's opening up for Sonic Flood and KJ 52 later on this year.

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