Friday, March 04, 2005


Sitting here on the couch in the stairwell I am realizing several things:

  1. It's really early in the morning
  2. My paper isn't even half finished
  3. I've been dodging this paper for many hours now
  4. Modern Marvels on the History Channel is an amazing show, you should watch it
  5. You should not watch Modern Marvels while trying to write an anthropology paper, since anthropology has nothing to do with modern or marvels in any way
  6. A stuffy nose and a bit of a cough is not enough of an excuse to not write a paper
  7. But it is a good excuse to sit on the couch for hours watching reality shows on MTV and VH1, eventually drifting off to sleep and drooling all over the throw pillows
  8. On cold Tallahassee nights, laptops and sweatshirts are a great way to stay warm
  9. I like working at night
  10. I'm reverting to my high school self by writing in my blog instead of doing my homework (if you go back to the very beginning that's exactly what I was doing...but please for my sake, don't read them, they're really really bad, not even funny...kind of like this post come to think of it)
  11. Laptops get hot after a while
  12. Apple Cinnamon flavored tea is wonderful
  13. It also makes you pee
  14. I need to sneeze
  15. Laptops don't help your toes with the whole heat thing
Okay, that's enough listing of things for the moment.

Oh, I've been accepted for the Barbados Summer Project with Crusade. Yay for me. Now I get to raise $4000. Hurray for support raising. I need to write that letter over spring break and get them out before I get back to school so I can start raking in the mula (A cow holds up a bank and says to the clerk, "Hand over to moo-la before someone gets hurt!...Bad joke, I know, I'm sorry. You know you laughed, or maybe shook your head in disgust). Well, time for me to get back to work.

Not that I want to get back to work. I do however want to get back to sleep sometime in the near future.

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