Sunday, April 15, 2007

Cougar Pride

I went home this weekend initially because my friend Sarah was getting married. But the weekend quickly became about Aida, and not Sarah. My alma mater put on Elton John & Tim Rice's Aida for their spring musical, and I have to say, it was amazing. It was almost as good as Les Miserables, and that's saying something. The girl that played the title character also played Evita last year opposite Keith. Her performance in that show was lackluster. She hit the notes, but it didn't have much soul. This year she carried the show. She hit the notes. She became the character. The costumes overall were excellent, especially considering that the majority of the clothes were constructed by the cast. It was a really great show.

Every time I go back to University High for the shows, I am reminded how lucky I was to go to a school where they have directors that are that good. My high school isn't a theatre magnet, we put out possibly the best shows in Orlando (okay, maybe I'm a tad bit biased, but then again, maybe not). This year the large group musical got Critic's Choice at the District Thespian Competition (the absolute highest honor in the district). They will be performing it in the opening ceremonies at the State Thespian Competition.

I don't know any of the kids on stage anymore. The last of my little freshmen graduated last year (along with my brother), but I still like going back, if only because they are putting on good theatre, especially for a high school.

UPDATE: UHS is doing an Encore performance of Aida this coming weekend. If you want to see it, contact me and I can find out details.

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