Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Well, I took another extended sumbatical from writing in this blog, not that anyone has noticed, because the last time I checked, no one reads this thing. But oh well, I suppose it's not really important, just some ductwork through which I vent my feelings irritiations, blah blah blah, and all that jazz.

Since the last time I wrote so many things have happened, after all, some 4 months have passed, right? If you probably have noticed, I saw Chicago, the movie, it was great, by the way. I went through a referee's hell on earth, ODP Soccer camp with an incredibly boring old man with 6 teeth and a badge that says he's allowed to tell other people how to referee. It was boring, physically taxing, and well, really bad for the feet...I still have scars from the blisters. My feet blistered so bad, they could have gone into the record books for the worlds worst blisters or something.

I bided the rest of my summer dreding the return of SCHOOL, except this time I was going to Florida State University, not the same crappy high school I had attended for the last 4 years. I was extatic at Orientation, because I learned the night before that I had achieve my goal for high school, obtaining the International Baccalaureate diploma. Yeah, I did it. It felt great, so great that I jumped up and down in my hotel room, my parents smiling, and my little brother wishing I would make less noise...yeah, dude, just wait until your turn comes.

I moved up to Tallahassee, Florida on August 16, 2003, into an awesome house right off campus, and it totally ROCKS. I love everyone I live with, even though they get on my nerves some times, ok, lots of times, but none the less, it's a sweet deal. I started classes August 25 and I've only skipped twice since then. Once unintentionally, the other very intentionally. And I'm proud of myself that I have successfully buried the desire to not go to class several times.

I still have no boyfriend, all though there is this really hot guy in my Bible Study. I've gotten used to this whole responcible for my own actions thing, and I'm kind of liking it, it's not like I do stupid stuff all the time anyway. So yeah, I'm still the goodie-two-shoes that I was in high school, but I would rather not get arrested or anything.

So, I guess that's a good enough update, and it might be the last for a long time, so get used to it.

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