Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I'm updating my blog JUST FOR DESIREE!!!!!

Heyo, I'm trying to write a paper today before Bible Study tonight, but I don't know if that's going to happen, cause it's supposed to be five pages long, and as of yet I only have 1.5 pages, and my opening paragraph (which is like half of that amount) SUCKS!!!! I'm so out of practice writing long papers, it's sick. I really just want to curl up on the couch and sleep right now, but I don't think that's going to happen either. Playing guitar would be nice too.

I could have been writing this last night, but a series of events lead me to NOT write it last night. See, I got back from Scene Shop (in which I'm making this totally cool stair unit/cd holder) discovering that dinner was being called 45 minutes early, much to my delight, because I was REALLY hungry (the feeling, not the country). After I ate (too much) my roommate informed me that she was going to Target and wanted to know if I would like to tag along. I said yes...I needed sheet covers. We were at Target for FAR too long. The Target visit ran directly into going to the Student Life Building to watch "Return of the King" with Crystal, Bridget, Jennifer, and a large paper cup of Coca-Cola (which wasn't so smart on my part because, if you hadn't noticed, a large paper cup full of Coca-Cola induces the need to empty one's bladder frequently, and "Return of the King" is the LONGEST FILM KNOWN TO MANKIND!!!! get the point).

I have a sneaking suspicion that this online journal thing is kind of boring, because it's just talking about what I do all the time, and I find it boring as I'm doing it most of the time, so I don't know what prompts me to think that you (Desiree, since I think you're the only person other than myself that every reads this thing) would care about the day to day goings and comings of my boring life as a Florida State Seminole. And speaking of that, the local American Indian Student Union folk are protesting the Seminole as our schools mascot, even though the Seminole Tribe of Florida is jazzed about being the school's mascot....go figure. Some people just need to get over themselves, cause you know what, I personally would be honored if some school's mascot was the "Laura's," I seriously would go to every single game. Anyway, what was I talking about. Oh yeah, boring. So boring in fact that I can't remember what I was talking about, yeah it's that engaging!!

Anyway, I think I'm gonna split now and go work on my paper and oh crap I have to go to class!!!! AGH!!

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