Thursday, December 16, 2004

Relaxing Christmas Vacation?

I got home from school last Friday. It was nice. My totally awesome roommate drove me home. We missed the I-75 exit, so we got to backtrack. I was highly amused. Anyway, that's not really the point of me writing this blog.

Anyway, at the moment, I am exhausted. Alright, I know exhaustion is not really surprising around Christmas time, but the cause for exhaustion is not shopping or decorating, but painting. Painting. I spent most of my day 8 feet off the ground on a ladder and scaffolding. My feet hurt from standing on a one inch wide piece of metal for too long. My knee hurts from going up and down a ladder all day.

I came home for the break and the house was clean, but disheveled. There weren't any decorations up. It didn't really feel like Christmas. Hopefully we'll rectify that situation before the end of the week. I just hope I don't have to stand on a ladder too much...again. I had to paint above my parents shower, so we had the ladder in the shower, and it slipped a little when I was on it and I flipped out. Eight feet in the air is a bad place to practically have a heart attack. Needless to say I made quick work of painting up there and got down as quickly as possible. Anyway, I don't mind doing it. It's kind of fun really, I just wish I didn't have to get up so early, and spend so much time that high up. I been on high ladders before, but I've never really been that comfortable that high up, the squirt was always the one who was good at climbing trees and such.

Well, it's time for me to go to bed, because as I've already mentioned, I get to do the same tomorrow. Good night, everyone, sleep well, be good.


Anonymous said...

YEs well, at least you'll have a tree. We're not putting one up. Cause we won't be here :-/

Laura said...

Yeah, whoever-you-are, that really sucks. What's Christmas without a Christmas tree? Oh right, just the birthday of Jesus...good reason to celebrate anyway. I heard on the radio today that some school outlawed wearing red and green at the "Winter Break Party" because it's associated with Christmas (which isn't to be mentioned at all...or Hanukkah, or anything religious for that matter), what's this world coming to?