Saturday, September 09, 2006

Greetings from the Blogging Delinquent

I've been a bit of a blogging delinquent lately. But since I am a college student, I will use the all too frequent excuse of: I'm busy and perpetually tired. The problem with that is it is only partially true. This being the weekend, I've found myself being the most sluggish and lazy person for the last two days. I don't have classes on Fridays, see, so I end up doing nothing despite all intentions of getting something done, like the reading I should be doing for Folklore, and the writing I should be doing for Playwriting. So for the last 48 hours or so I have been neither busy nor tired (although I probably should have been busy).

So today, I sat around and played with my guitar and looked up new songs to learn. I rediscovered my love for the Goo Goo Dolls, and found out that Eric Clapton is probably a little out of my league musically. No surprise there. I haven't really touched my guitar that much for the last two or three weeks, only a few moments here and there, and today was the first time I really tried anything new. My fingers hurt because my callouses have peeled off and I spent half the day working on getting them back.

I started a notebook of guitar music. Now that I have my own printer it's finally practical. No paper rationing here. I'll slowly add songs as I look them up, printing them out instead of closing them for another time. Eventually the little folder that I have now will be replaced by something larger and more impressive. Hopefully the binder will be full of things which are difficult, the kind that make people stare at you when you play because it's so amazing. As of right now that is certainly not the case, except for Eric Clapton's "Classical Gas," but I can't play that yet.

Anyway, I'll try to update more. I'm supposed to be writing every day anyway, so why not make some of it public?

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