Friday, September 15, 2006

Some Thoughts

I was doing laundry at the house today for the first time this semester. I must pause and say that, yes, I have done laundry more than once in the last month, its just that the other time was at home in Orlando, so I am not a completely vile and smelly beast...not because of my clothes at least. Anyway, I switched to liquid detergent from powder, and in the process changed scents. I smell like some type of bubble gum, or perhaps candy. Whatever the case, it's nice, but a little weird. At this point in time, the change to liquid is a good thing. My only fear is that I'll walk into class one day, or perhaps a meeting for Crusade, and someone will brush past me, stop and say, "Wow, you smell like bubble gum, or some kind of candy!"

And now for something completely different...
Within the next week I should begin my foray into the world of Discipleship as a discipler instead of disciplee. The be honest, I'm scared out of my mind. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 11:1 to "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ."I was reading 1 Corinthians for part of last semester and into the summer, and that one verse in particular stuck in my brain. Imagine the relationship that Paul must have had with God to be able to confidently admonish Christians to follow his example. I can say with equal confidence that I would be a fool to tell someone to follow my example. For one thing, it took me four months to read 1 Corinthians, all sixteen chapters of it. It seems arrogant to try to lead someone when I know that my own walk with Christ is a faint shadow of what it should be. How can I encourage someone to sit in the shadow of my tower of Biblical knowledge and wisdom when the reality is that the tower is leaning, liable to topple at the pressure of a light wind.

So...I'm scared. And I smell like bubble gum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just remember, it's all by grace.