Sunday, September 09, 2007

An Entry from my Journal

I haven't written on the blog much lately. Life has been pretty boring, and I've just now started adjusting to the whole it's-September-and-you're-not-in-school thing. In reaction to the dawn of this reality, I've retreated into myself a bit while I become acclimated to post-student life. As a result, I've been writing a bit more in my paper and pen journal, the one that doesn't get e-mailed to all of Crusade by my parents. As it happens, I've been a delinquent in that as well since hearing that I didn't get the job at University High School. So, after two weeks of collecting dust on my bedside table, I decided yesterday to pick up my Moleskine and [gasp] write something. And as it turns out, I found what I wrote rather amusing. I have chosen, in the interest of total disclosure (yeah, right), to share this with the world at large and risk it being sent to half of the country by my parents.

Here goes (minus the spelling errors):

"8 September 2007
"Saturday 12:45AM

"I haven't put pen to paper in what feels like ages. There are many reasons for this, but I will only highlight the major ones.

"1. There's not much to write about. I go to work, I come home, I read, I sleep. That's (sadly) about it. Aside from a few high points (and by 'a few' I mean two), there isn't anything to relate.
High point 1: Bard - I got a cat for my birthday. He's adorable, but embraces his catly nature and can be quite aloof.
Irony: As I wrote that previous point he abandoned his aloofness and walked through the door.
High point 2: Interview - I had an interview at Colonial High School for the vacant drama teacher position. The result: another week or so of painful anticipation for a phone call. Here we go again. I resolve to stand up for myself this time.

"2. The only thing I've really thought about in the last month is Harry Potter, and I dare not write about that in depth lest the writing result in a fully formed essay. Moratorium on scholarly writing for the time being. Besides, Dad has finally given in and read the books, so I have someone with whom I can share my HP thoughts.

"3. Any news in the last three weeks (barring the previously outlined high points) has been boring at best and depressing at worst. Basically, I don't want to think about it.
Outlier: Bard the Cat is ill with an upper respiratory infection and as a result has been snotty and lethargic for three days. He has also taken to sneezing in my face (I will consider it a miracle if I get through this experience without a kitty cold) and giving me mean looks for the two hours following the administration of his antibiotic via squirty thing to the mouth. But, who could blame him? He has apparently gotten over this for the night since he is sitting on my bedroom floor staring fixedly at my sponge-painted wall.

"And speaking of sponge-painted walls, my room is due for a complete redesign. Away with the high school memorabilia! A box is sufficient for your tacky glory! In with the intelligent and trendy decor of a recent college grad and twenty-something (cue Jamie Cullum music). If only I knew a hip twenty-something to redesign my room."

Well, there it is, one of the few times the silliness in my personality actually comes out in my journal.

And now for something completely different...
You may or may not have noticed that I fell horribly short of my self imposed quota for blog posts in August. I have no excuse other than plain laziness...and it's hot in August; who can think when they're sweating? But summer is winding down, and with it must go the laziness.

I was also wondering if anyone caught the literary allusion in one of the post titles from last month. Think 20th Century American poets. And...go!


Anonymous said...

"Sent to half of the country via your parents"

ahaha, like in a prayer letter or something?

I've found it odd to be part of a church here in IL that works so closely with my dad. I feel like information goes back and forth sometimes without me knowing about it (even if it's about me) :-p

Anonymous said...

"August is the cruelest month"?
Jacob Have I Loved? She talks something about that. . . and Feb.