Monday, December 10, 2007

The Aftermath

I got home today around 6:00pm. Driving home, I fought the rush hour traffic and watched the sky turn pink and orange in my rear view mirror. It was strange. It still is strange. I can hardly believe that it's only 9:45 and I've been home for several hours. "Christmas Carol" is finally over.

I hoped to go home right after school today, maybe get some work done, grade some stuff that I've been hauling around for several weeks in anticipation of some spare time in which to finalize my notes on their feedback, but it was not to be. The dressing rooms, back hallway, and my classroom are all a complete mess from having 25 people in and out of them all weekend. So, in an effort to get ready for school tomorrow, and to get the costumes prepped to leave tomorrow, I went to main campus and worked. I didn't realize how much I had been neglecting my actual job (teaching) for the last month until I saw the grades for my main campus classes. I hadn't given them a grade for more than three weeks. Not even participation. It took me two hours to figure out what it is that we've been doing since Thanksgiving break (not much). I'm also wondering what I'm going to put on my lesson plans. We didn't really do anything because I was working on the show.

The show itself went really well. I think we had over 300 people come total, which I consider a success since the publicity for this show was basically non-existent. All the feedback I've heard so far has been only positive, and it's my hope that we've started building a solid foundation for whatever it is we're going to do in the near future. Plus, we made a fair amount of money, so perhaps I can go buy gaff and spike tape, and tie line and maybe even start saving for the spring musical (or play...whatever we end up doing).

Each night of the show had it's own problems. Thursday we had a girl pass out because she had to cough, but wouldn't do it into the mic she was wearing so she held it in. Friday another girl passed out because she hadn't eaten all day. Saturday the lights guy didn't show up (or even call for that matter) and I had to do it with my limited knowledge of lights and our particular board.

Usually after a show there is this feeling of longing for it to continue, the wish for just one more night. I can honestly say that I have experienced no such feeling. In its place rests the sensation of relief. It's over. I can think about something else now; Districts, or fund raisers, or what show we're going to do next. The things which have lived in the back of my mind are finally free to burst forth and have their moment in the sun. How long they will have in the sun, I am not sure. I do have to teach and plan lessons at some point in time. But not right now, not for a few days at least.


Amy Van-Mod said...

Nice for being done and seeming to do fairly well at that :)

Yeah, enjoy a day or two of recuperation.

Laura said...

Yay for recuperation! One of my students suggested we start rehearsal for Districts immediately. I quickly vetoed that in favor of waiting a few days to regain my sanity.