Thursday, May 22, 2008

Layers of Shirts and other Randomness

I'm a fan of layering shirts. For one thing, it makes me look a little more teacher-ish, which given my age and maturity is always a good thing. It gives me an excuse to wear t-shirts, and it also covers the fact that, due to some severe laziness, I didn't iron any of my nice shirts this week.

In other news, I'm toying with the possibility of getting Wii Fit in the next few weeks. It will definitely have to be after school is over, because I'm slacking enough as it is without further distractions.

I graduated from high school five years ago Monday (May 20, 2003). Yikes! Where did the time go? Today was the last day for seniors, and it was hard to see them go. I'll miss some of them immensely. Others, not so much. I've been thinking of my own last days in high school and the fun and sadness. The long series of lasts. Last show (Les Mis!), last class, last test, last year book, last drive home, last AP Exam, last IB exam. And then there was that blasted song, "Friends Forever," and the swaying, hugging melody that somehow succeeded in bringing tears to every Senior's face at some point in time whether they want to admit it or not.


Amy Van-Mod said...

And don't forget the last Firedrill! Who can forget that? Or wait, was that Junior year? I can't remember.

Laura said...

Was that the one where we were standing out by the Stadium for 40 minutes? Or was it the one where the alarm went of right after school started? Gosh, there were so many.