Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Cruel Break

It seems cruel to give students (and teachers) a three day weekend a week before school gets out. Not only have we suffered through almost two months (since Spring Break) of no three day weekends, we have one right before summer vacation, a single day mocking us, providing just a hint of the sweetness to come in a week and a half. I am already in summer mode, playing Nintendo (by the way, I beat the Fast Staff Ghost for one of the courses! It took me three hours, but I did it!) and being lazy all around. Unfortunately, the end of the year is one of the busiest times for teachers with all of the paperwork and miscellaneous hoops through which we must jump before they let us leave, not to mention grades and all of that stuff.

So, I'm beginning to stress out a little about everything. Just a little.

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