Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Notes from San Francisco

We made it safely to San Francisco, and I feel like it's October. It's in the 70s, the wind is blowing and the sun is hot. Basically, it's gorgeous. The roof of Paul's apartment has a nice view of the Golden Gate Bridge and whatever lies across it. I've been here once before, when we visited Mom's uncle in Vallejo, but I remember very little from that trip other than the fact that seals, although cute, make a lot of noise and smell pretty bad.

I look forward to seeing what the city has to offer. It's different than I imagined it. You say San Francisco, and I think of flower children, maximum security prisoners, and gay people. I think of huge earthquakes and turn of the century Asian immigrants. There is more color than I imagined. The houses across the street are this sun-bleached brown, green and pink. Although it is one of those iconic cities, I don't think I've seen many pictures of it, at least not the residential areas. Anyway, I'll post some pictures somewhere in the near future, once I've taken them.

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