Thursday, June 05, 2008

It's Over

They have this really great tradition at the 9th Grade Center. On the last day of finals, the teachers walk their students down to the bus loop and wave goodbye as the buses pull out. I think the real purpose is to prevent fights by getting the students out of there as quickly as possible, and by flooding the area with adults. It is nonetheless satisfying to see them leave. Once the buses are gone, the teachers cheer. Goodbye and good riddance. It was a great feeling.

Anyway, we still have another two days of work. The end of the year is packed with paperwork, and since I've never done any of it before, it takes a really long time, which is why I'm up at 1:00AM working. It's been a long time since I've done this. I want to say I miss this feeling of burning the midnight oil, but when I did that I generally had a lot more sleep than I have this past week. In any case, back to work.

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