Sunday, June 15, 2008


I finally downloaded all of the pictures I've taken in the last two months onto my computer. Here is a small selection. I have more, but the my internet connection is running really slowly for some reason and I don't have the patience for it. Perhaps I'll post more later.

Here's one side of the "Arsenic and Old Lace" set, including the most complicated part, the stairs.

This is the other side of the set, and the second most complicated part of the set. The windows took about 6 hours to make, but they turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself. I actually had to put some of my Advanced Stagecraft knowledge to use and join the windows with splines.

The whole set in all of it's glory. It was more impressive in person, and it was a heck of a lot of fun to play on. Fun fact: the picture on the stage right wall (that's the far left, for you non-theatre people) would slide every time anyone opened or closed the door so that by the end of the show it was almost sideways. I got a kick out of it, although it likely distracted some audience members from enjoying the show fully.

Here are some shots from my trip to Tampa for the Florida State Thespian Festival. I love some of the architecture in downtown Tampa.
The Tampa Theatre is probably the most aesthetically pleasing theatre I've ever been in. Check out those light fixtures!

The exterior of the Tampa Theatre. It harkens back to a time when people actually went to the theatre.

Some random building we walked past. I thought it was pretty.

A totally cool mural painted on the side of a music store.

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